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It should not lead to an increase in child support.

It may lead to a decrease.

The cost of supporting three children is significantly less, per child, than the cost of one child. There are many savings that are achieved by sharing.

A simple example.

To take the child on vacation by car costs $x for the travel and $y for the accommodation. But if you take 3 children, the transport costs are less (per child) and the accommodation costs are less (per child).

Also, with three children to support, the family living standard will be slightly lower than the standard they could achieve with one child. So costs per child drop.

It is unlikely that a court would force you to pay as if your child was the only child.

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Q: My ex girlfriend is married and has 1 yr old and is pregnant with another child both by her husband will that increase the amount of child support I pay her for the 5 yr old I have have with her?
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