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There really isn't a name for his rocket, though it launched it on March 16, 1926 in Auburn, Mass.

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Q: Name of Robert Goddard's first liquid fueled rocket?
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Why is Robert Goddard Famous?

He created the world's first liquid-fueled rocket.

What happened to Robert Goddard in1926?

he successfully launched his first liquid-fueled rocket.

Who was the father of modern liquid fueled rocket?

It was Robert H Goddard in the year 1926.

Who launched the first liquid fueled rocket?

robbert h. goddard

Who invented the first rocket ship in 1926?

The First Liquid fueled rocket was launched by Robert Hutchings Goddard Of U.S

Who influenced Robert Goddards rocket ideas?

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What did Robert H Goddard contribute to science?

Robert H Goddard is the person credited with inventing liquid fueled rocket.

Where was the liquid fueled rocket invented?

Robert H. Goddard's created the first liquid-propellant rocket to achieve flight. It was launched on March 16, 1926, at Auburn, Massachusetts,

When did Goddard invent the first liquid fuel?

Robert Goddard created and launched the first liquid fueled rocket on March 16, 1926.

Can you shut off a liquid fueled rocket?

Yes. That is an advantage of a liquid fueled rocket. On the other hand, a solid fueled rocket is simpler and therefore cheaper but once it is started, you have to wait until it burns itself out.

Who was known as the father of modern rocketry?

Robert Goddard is considered (The Father of Modern Rocketry) because of his liquid-fueled rocket.

Who exactly was Robert Goddard?

Robert Hatchings Goddard was an American Professor, Physicist and Inventor. Robert is accredited with the creation and building of the first Liquid Fueled Rocket in the World. The first rocket was launched on March 16, 1926.