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silly, smelly, sally sells sea shells by the sea shore, the sea shells that she sells smell like sewrage.

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Q: Need a tongue twister for the word gone?
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i really need help in this please guys a tongue twister for the word "rhaspberry"

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That word is a tongue twister in of itself.

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Tongue twisters need practice. like A tiny tiger tied his tiny tail with a tiny thread.

What is a tongue twister also know as?

Tongue twister is the common word to describe a sentence with words that have its first letter capitalized. However, there is another word. This word is "alliteration." This word is only used in poetry.

What is another word for tongue twister?

the answer is alliteration ( figuartive language )

Tongue twister using the word toe?

Twelve tiny turtles toe-tapping on the table.

What is a tongue twister with the word possibly in it?

possibly possibly possibly possibly

What is a tongue twister for the word January?

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What do you call a long word or phrase that is difficult to say?

a sesquipedalian tongue twister

What tongue twister has the word special in it?

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