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An old tradition, hopefully abandoned in modern society, in which the first born son was awarded the family bussiness, the second son was expected to dedicate his life to the Church, a third son was destined for military service and subsequent male children were expected to emmigrate to new and unexplored worlds.

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Q: Oldest son inherited the family farm?
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The practice by which all family property is inherited by the eldest son is called?


Your dad is in debt will it be transferred to his oldest son when he dies?

No. Debts of one person are never inherited by heirs or beneficiaries under a will

Does the phrase number one son mean the oldest or best?

The phrase "number one son" typically refers to the oldest son in the family rather than the best. It is a term used to denote the first-born son in a family context.

What is the name of the norwegian tradition that first born son inherits entire estate?

Odel. Odel means that the oldest get the family farm, If he or she wants it, but a father can not give it to lets say the youngest if he wants. It goes to the eldest.

Who is cimorelli?

Alex Cimorelli is 6th child or 2nd oldest son of the Cimorelli family.

How do you get the family farm?

The best way to get a family farm is to inherit it. But that can only happen if you are a son, nephew, daughter, granddaughter, grandson, niece, etc. to someone who is actively farming. The other option is to buy one from a farm family that is going out of business and can no longer farm any more.

Who is Alex from cimorelli?

Alex Cimorelli is the 6th child or 2nd oldest son of the Cimorelli family.

The story of the lost son and loving father?

This parable can be found in Luke 15. The youngest son of a family asks his father for his inheritance and leaves town. The son wastes his money on fast living and ends up working in a pig farm, eating the pig's food, The son realises that the workers on his father's farm are better off than he is so he decides to go home and ask his father to forgive him. The father sees his youngest son coming down the road and rushes out o meet him. The father puts on a feats for the youngest son, this upsets the oldest son.

Who was Shakespeare's oldest son?

yes William shakespeare was the oldest son :)