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it's not about the people in this case. No one cares if a very special specie is so endangered or even extinct.

Jeanette Gorodon

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Q: On a scale how endangered is the Orangutans?
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Do orangutans still exist?

The Sumatran species is in the worst ecological position and is listed as critically endangered, while the Bornean species is listed as an endangered species.

Why are orangutans becoming endangered?

The Orangutangs are endangered. They are endangered because of loss of habitat by deforestation.

Are gorillas and orangutans both endangered?

Yes, they are.

Why are orangutans indangared?

Orangutans are endangered because people are cutting down their habitat, the rainforest, causing them to die.

How many sumatran orangutans are left?

if you believe this or not but it is critically endangered but there are still 17,700 sumatran orangutans left in the wild

Why are oragutans endangered?

Orangutans are endangered because of their loss of habitat, and sever endangeremeant from killing for their fur.

What are some reasons why orangutans have become endangered?

Deforestation, they are very territorial.

What endangered mammals live in the jungle?

Several. Orangutans, gorillas, tapirs, jaguars...

Why are orangutangs endangered?

No. You can check it on google by typing endangered animals of the world. Orangutans are mainly found in Malaysia.

Were would you find an orangutans?

They now are endangered and can be found in Borneo. they live in the canopy of the rainforests

What endangered animals are there?

There AAre Many Endangered Animals Such As Orangutans,Leopards,Dolpins And Giant Pandas Too . Go To For More Information .