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well it realli depends most likely no unless the mother has shown in credible things of being able to show that she can retake full responsibility of her child.. unless the grandparents fight it off in most cases they do and the parent looses so its all on luck knowledge and doing wat u have to do.... it iz wat it iz.....

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17y ago
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16y ago

ANSWER: In Alabama, it is possible to regain custody of your child by filing a petition for custody modification; however you must show not only that it would be in the best interest of the child but that a material change in circumstances has taken place.

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12y ago

No that is up to the judge. The father has no such authority. All he can do is provide truthful and sufficient evidence to the court as to why the mother shouldn't have custody. The court will evaluate the situation and render a decision.

If the father wants to give up custody the mother will be the next logical choice of the court. The only reasons why a mother would be denied custody is if she has been declared unfit or she refuses to take legal custody.

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13y ago

Yes most definitely, I was granted custody to my grandparents at age four because my dad left before i was born and my mom was a drug addict and couldn't be found.

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14y ago

Yes, but the odds are just 15%.

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Q: If social services has custody of a child can the child's grandparents get custody?
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A friend of mines brothers girlfriend left their 1 yr old home alone and apparently does it often. She finally was caught. And taken to jail. What happens now?

She will loose temporary custody of the child until she can prove that she is a fit parent. The child will go to the father, grandparents or; will be taken into foster care. But social services will not allow the child to live with her anymore. the state will have custody of the child.

What is Cass Community Social Services's motto?

The motto of Cass Community Social Services is 'Fighting Poverty'.

What is the motto of Cass Community Social Services?

The motto of Cass Community Social Services is 'Creating Opportunity'.

If parents die without arranging custody for their children and the parents of both parents want the children who gets them?

Good question. The likelihood is that Social Services will get involved and decide which set of parents is most suitable for them. If both sets are suitable then it may go to court for a decision.

Can a mother lose custody if she actively abandons her child?

Yes, if the case is reported by a social worker or if its brought to court by a close relative

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I have legal custody of my cousin what is differnce between full custody and guardianship because board of social services is challenging my authority ?

Both full custody parents/guardians have say over the child. However, just because you are someones guardian does not mean that you have full custody of that child all of the time. It simply means you have say so in the childs life. This is how it was when my grandmother had full custody of me, however, my uncles were my guardians. I do not belive this particular law varies from place to place.

If department of social services took custody of children away from the mother can the father get custody if they are separated pending divorce?


How can relatives gain custody of children from unfit parents?

When both parents are deemed unfit by a court and social services, it is possible for grandparents to get custody of the children under a judge's order. The grandparents wishing to get custody of minor children should petition a court for a hearing on the matter.

In Missouri can a 13-year-old request custody be given to his adoptive grandparents if his mother is emotionally and physically abusive?

Minors are not allowed to choose the person they want to live with. The proper procedure is for the Missouri Department of Social Services to be contacted and request an investigation of the matter. MO. Child Protective Services Hotline for Abuse and Neglect, 1-800-392-3738 Missouri Department Of Social Services,

What do you have to do to get custody of your granddaughter while both of her parents are in jail?

I would get a lawyer and go to child protective services or social services in your area. The main thrust of the social services is to keep the child with family and as a grandparent you fit that.

A friend of mines brothers girlfriend left their 1 yr old home alone and apparently does it often. She finally was caught. And taken to jail. What happens now?

She will loose temporary custody of the child until she can prove that she is a fit parent. The child will go to the father, grandparents or; will be taken into foster care. But social services will not allow the child to live with her anymore. the state will have custody of the child.

Are you considered emancipated if you are 15 and pregnant and your grandparents have custody?

Emancipation is a legal process where a minor becomes independent of their parents or guardians. Being pregnant does not automatically grant emancipation. In most cases, a minor must petition the court for emancipation, and being in the custody of grandparents does not automatically make a minor emancipated.

What kind of help will the state give to grandparents that take care of their grandchildren?

FIrst of all, the Grandparents MUST have legal custody of the children awarded to them by the court. Then, they can contact whatever social assitance agency their state government has in place for aid to families with dependent children (AFDC). Most all states have such programs - contact your local Dept of Social Serivces.

Can a 13 year minor leave home and live with grandparents in Canada?

Not without parental permission. If there are safety issues, they should contact social services. They will insure the child is safe and taken care of, which may very well mean sending them to the grandparents.

What kind of organization keeps the child custody laws under it's control?

Social services is the organisation which is in control of the custody laws. Family Law involves all legal issues that can be dealt with in a family court, including divorce and separation, child custody and access, and support payments.

Can step parents go to court for custody for there step child if the childs other parent is not fit?

They could file a petition for custody yes, but the mother would have to be deemed unfit by the state and not on hearsay. And if that were to happen and no father is in the picture, you would be investigated by social services to see if such a placement would be in the child's best interests. If the courts feel it would be in the child's best interests to be made a ward of the state, that could happen instead. So be very sure of what you are doing before you proceed. An attorney's assistance should be secured.

Can a twelve year wants to move out and live with her grandparents because shes abused what does she co?

{| |- | She needs to contact social services through a teacher or another adult. They will get her help and keep her safe until she becomes an adult. They may very well allow her to stay with her grandparents. |}