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GENERALLY, once wisdom teeth are gone they don't grow in again. If something is coming out from your gums after a wisdom tooth extraction, it might be a piece of root that was left out. It might also be a surnumerary wisdom tooth (extra wisdom tooth) that was already there before the extraction. However, they can grow back. It's documented, and happens to 1-3% of adults.
Teeth don't grow back. Basically you get two sets, first the baby/milk teeth, then your permanent teeth. Wisdom teeth are the last of your permanent teeth to emerge.

If you lose a milk tooth it will kinda-sorta be replaced with a permanent tooth (which you would have gotten eventually anyhow).

When a permanent tooth is lost it's gone, your body won't make a new one.

Back teeth are also known as molars. If you lose one of those before you have gotten your wisdom teeth, then it can look like it's the lost one that's grown back, but it isn't. It's the wisdom tooth (which you would have gotten eventually anyway) that has stepped up in its place.

No. they dont grow back once they are removed. however, rarely we do find an extra molar, other than the wisdom teeth, which are called as the PARA Molars.
Teeth don't grow back. Basically you get two sets, first the baby/milk teeth, then your permanent teeth. Wisdom teeth are the last of your permanent teeth to emerge. When a permanent tooth is lost it's gone, your body won't make a new one.

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Q: Once wisdom teeth are removed can they ever grow back?
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Is it normal to have two extra back teeth?

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Do wisdom teeth come back?

No. Once they are pulled, they are gone for good.

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No, just like you don't get your baby teeth back! You don't get your wisdom teeth back!

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Normally, there is not enough room in your mouth for the wisdom teeth to come in. If you've lost some back teeth for one reason or another, the wisdon tooth can come in with no problem.

Do wisdom teeth grow behind your molars?

Yes, if you have wisdom teeth. Not everyone has four. Some people don't have any. They normally grow at the back of the gums, but in some cases grow sideways and have to be removed.

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You have to get them removed.

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lol, try to stay off school for at least 2 weeks =]

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your two back teeth

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Yes. If your mouth is big enough, like mine is, there is no need to remove the wisdom teeth. I know many people who have all of their wisdom teeth, or only had 1 or 2 removed.

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