

Parables remind us about

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What do the parables invite us to do?

Parables invite us to find a deeper meaning. A parable in the Bible is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.

Why are prophecies and parables important to Christians?

As parables are stories used to make us understand the story better, while prophecies are told to tell us what god will do later.

How many of Jesus' parables are about money?

Parables are an Earthly story with a Heavenly meaning. They illustrate how God wants us to conduct our Earthly lives. Jesus told 16 parables concerning money.

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How can you remind ourselves everday that you are living for god?

You and we cannot, but Jesus can remind us when we walk with hm.

What is the parables trying to teach us?

The parables in the Bible are about a number of topics. Usually the parables convey a spiritual truth. Many of Jesus' parable were directed at the nation of Israel, through the parables Jesus showed the nation of Israel that they have departed from God's ways eg parable of the Lost Son, The Lost Coin Some parables are about the kingdom of God eg The Sower, The Hidden Treasure.

Many bibical parables although symolic have relevance in modern times?

I can think of the several parables in Matthew 24-25 that are telling us to be ready for the return of the Messiah.

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What rhymes with ''the journey behind us''?

Please don't remind us!

What do the greens of the wreath remind us of what?

it tells us that god is ever loving to us

How many parables in Mark?

There are 10 parables in Mark.

What is the total number of parables of Jesus?

It is 54 parables.