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Q: Parts of integumentary system of frog?
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Integumentary system of frog?

The integumentary system of a frog has multiple functions. The integumentary system is made up of the skin of a frog, and visually helps to protect the frog - using camouflage. The integumentary system also helps the skin to stay moist when the frog is on land and helps the frog to breathe while underwater.

What are the layers of the integumentary system?

the 3 parts of integumentary system are EPIDERMIS ,DERMIS , and .......... i dont know the last one .......... hahaha XD

Is hair part of the integumentary system?

Yes. The parts of the integumentary system are hair, skin, nails, scales, hooves, glands, and oils.

What are the parts and functions of integumentary system?

The two main parts of the integumentary system is the epidermis and the dermis. There are also a number of accessory parts such as hair, glands, nerve receptors, etc. The functions of the integumentary system are mostly to protect the underlying tissues but also aids in heat regulation, waste excretion, and vitamin D production.

How much skin is on a human body what are the parts of the skin what does the skin?

There are two parts of the skin. The Dermis and the Epidermis. Skin is the biggest organ and is located in the integumentary system. There are two parts of the skin. The Dermis and the Epidermis. Skin is the biggest organ and is located in the integumentary system.

Hair is a part of what system?


What parts compose the integumentary system?

hair, nails, skin, sweat and oil glands

How do the integumentary skeletal muscular system work together?

they protect certain body parts

What organs or organ systems is hair a part of?

part of the skin, which is an organ.

The skin is part of which body system?

Integumentary system

Are bones part of the integumentary system?

Bones are not part of the integumentary system. They are part of the skeletal system. The skin is the main organ of the integumentary system.

Do insects have an integumentary system?

Insects do have an integumentary system. In addition to insects, lice, spiders, mites, centipedes, and crustaceans have an integumentary system.