

People who took a stand for human trafficking?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: People who took a stand for human trafficking?
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she took a stand to fight for human rights the real anwer

How do people take a stand in their everyday lives?

people take a stand for what they believe in and what they cant do but they want to do... Just like rosa parks! She took a stand for herself wel actually she sat in a bus but that does not mean she didnt take a stand Its the opposite SHE DID! she took a stand because she wanted to sit where the white people were supposed to sit and the police came for her because she was not supposed to sit there... SHE DID A GREAT JOB! also Marthin Luther King Junior! He said" I HAVE A DREAM " He did a speech in front of people He did not do it so everyone could see him ...No. He took a stand for himself he said he didnt want black and white people to be diferent! We are all the same If he didnt take stand for us we will still be separate We will still be diferent... These are some of the people who took a satnd for us and for them selves! Thank you...

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It was more ignored then something they took a stand on.

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Thomas Jefferson took a stand on the rights of the people. He believed in it so much he added the line "right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" to the Declaration of Independence.

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when it hit Rome people couldn't work so they took a stand against fighting and wouldn't pay taxes.

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they have done it for like ever the human race is facinated by differences and so people took pride in animals unlike themselfs

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yes he took a stand by being brave when the fans were threating him

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