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These objects are considered personal property and are usually called personal property, especially for insurance purposes.

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Q: Personal property such as furniture or appliances are called?
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Personal property that is included with real estate is called?

A person's real property and personal propertymakes up what we call their estate.

Personal property that is permanently affixed to real property is called what?

Related personal property, and if it's indeed permanently affixed to the realty it becomes part of the real property interest.

What power takes personal property to benefit the public?

The power to take personal property to benefit the public is called eminent domain.

Can a furniture rental place report stolen property if items not returned?

Yes, and they called, bring it back now

What type of company is property exchange?

There is no company called Property Exchange. There is a company called Investment Property Exchange Services. This company specializes in protecting personal and business assets which may include real property or stocks and bonds.

A lien that affects all of the real and personal property owned by a debtor is called?

General lien.

A tax based on the retail selling or rental price of tangible personal property is called a?

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What kind of estate is community property considered?

An estate is all the property a person owns both real and personal. Community property is property acquired by married people in certain states (called community property states). It can be acquired in one parties name or both but if acquired during the marriage it becomes community property that will be divided evenly in the case of a divorce.An estate is all the property a person owns both real and personal. Community property is property acquired by married people in certain states (called community property states). It can be acquired in one parties name or both but if acquired during the marriage it becomes community property that will be divided evenly in the case of a divorce.An estate is all the property a person owns both real and personal. Community property is property acquired by married people in certain states (called community property states). It can be acquired in one parties name or both but if acquired during the marriage it becomes community property that will be divided evenly in the case of a divorce.An estate is all the property a person owns both real and personal. Community property is property acquired by married people in certain states (called community property states). It can be acquired in one parties name or both but if acquired during the marriage it becomes community property that will be divided evenly in the case of a divorce.

What is a group furniture called?

it is a suite of furniture.

What is group of furniture called?

it is a suite of furniture.

Is a bank account tangible personal property?

Yes. A Bank account is the personal property of the person who owns and operates the bank account. It will be considered an asset for the account owner. Anything that has a monetary value and belongs to someone is called an asset. Since a bank account is worth as much money that is in the account and belongs to a customer, it is the personal property of that person.

What is the fundamental power of the state to place restraints upon personal freedoms and property rights is called?

Police power