

Pertaining to the coccyx med term?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Pertaining to the coccyx med term?
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What is the medical term meaning pertaining to the tailbone?

The medical term meaning pertaining to the tailbone is coccygeal. The proper name for the tailbone is coccyx.

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Caudal is the medical term meaning pertaining to the direction of the tailbone.caudalCaudal means in the direction of the tailbone (or the coccyx).caudad

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SacralThe sacrum is triangular shaped and its located between the lumbar vertebrae and coccyx. The vertebrae in the sacrum is fused together and it consists of 5 sacral vertebrae S1-S5.The medical term sacral means pertaining to the sacrum, from sacr meaning 'sacrum' (the five fused bones in the lower back) and the suffix -al meaning 'pertaining to.'

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The anatomical term for tail bone is coccyx.

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The medical term for pertaining to sound is "auditory."

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Med is the most common medical abbreviation for the word "medical."MED

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The medical term for 'pertaining to carbon' would be carbonic.