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The only difference between physical and emotional abuse is that the physical abuse can usually be seen and the emotional abuse is scarring your mind. Physical abuse is bruising, pushing, slapping, breaking bones, etc. Emotional abuse is when someone always says your fat, ugly, useless, stupid, etc. These are usually both happening as a pattern of abuse. Though widely thought of as happening to just women, there have been a lot of men who have suffered under women who abuse also. Either way, they are both abusive behaviors and have painful repercussions to the individual being abused.

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Physical abuse also contains emotional abuse. So there are actually 2 components of hurt in Physical Abuse. Emotional abuse can have as much effect on an individual as Physical abuse, but it always depends on severity. For physical wounds and emotional wounds it takes time to heal. Forgiveness will lessen the hurt whether it came physically or not. A good thing to note is that Forgiveness is for the Forgiver, not for the Forgiven. The other thing to remember is to take the time for time to have it's healing effect.

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define the following types of abuse. physical abuse, sexual abuse , emotional abuse, financial abuse, institutional abuse, self neglect ,and neglect by others.

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