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pie graph in the budget of the Philippines since 2009

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Q: Pie graph for the budget of the Philippines in 2009?
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What is the pie graph of Philippine national budget for 2012?

pie graph of budget 2012

Which type of graph is most likely to be used to study the parts of a budget?

Pie Graph.

You are making a pie graph of the expenses in the Reed family budget. How much of the pie graph would be used to represent the amount spent on housing?

Less than Half.

What type of graph would you use to show a breakdown of a budget?

A pie graph. But if you have more than around seven main categories, a pie graph starts to get a bit too busy. Also, unless the logic of categories dictates otherwise, order them by size.

Where is the axis in a pie graph?

A pie graph does not have an axis.

What graph can be sliced like a pie?

On a pie graph

What do pie graphs best show?

Pie graphs are ideal for showing proportion. For example, if you have a budget, and a certain amount of money going towards various different things you might make a pie graph of this information. The pie graph would give an easy representation of which expenditures (slices) are biggest, and which are less significant. Whenever you have a known amount of something, split up into different proportions, the pie graph is the best graph for demonstrating those proportions.

Graph that shows the parts of a whole?

not a pie graph or pie chart

When is pie graph used?

A pie graph is used to show the proportions of a whole.

What is the difference between a pie graph and a bar graph?

a pie graph shows percentages and a bar graph shows numbers and amounts

Do you call a pie graph a pie graph or a pie chart?

They are the same thing, so it really doesn't matter. I usually say graph, but whatever is easiest to you.

What type of graph tastes best?

Pie chart, of course!!