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If you are positive you are pregnant, then the pink can be caused by the sex act itself. The insides of a woman are more sensitive during pregnancy and can lightly bleed (don't freak out) after sex. This happened to me many times and there is nothing to worry about. You have a lot more blood in your vaginal area and it is a little easier to make it bleed a bit. No, this will not cause you to miscarry and unless your doctor says, sex can continue.

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Pink is usually a sign of blood. Spotting is pretty common in the early weeks of pregnancy, it might be nothing to worry about but you should definitely call your doctor. He may want to see you, or he may tell you its nothing to worry about. Either way it will at least put your mind at ease.

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Q: Pink discharge during 7 weeks of pregnancy?
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Any bleeding during pregnancy needs to be discussed with your OB/GYN.

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Its a pregnancy sign called Implantation bleeding from pink princess

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red/brown/pink its a tiny weeny bit of blood mine was in my discharge

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Possibly no great drama, but see your doctor in any case. Any unusual events and symptoms during pregnancy need expert investigation for the sake of your baby, and you.

I have taken a positive test i am are about 6 weeks should I be worried because i have brown and light pink discharge?

NO.unless the bleeding gets heavy then i would call your doctor,but sometimes light pink discharge could mean the weight of your pregnancy,but if it keeps doing it then i would go to the doctor

Is pink discharge a sign of pregnancy?

As the baby grows during your pregnancy, the uterus is receiving a lot of blood flow in order to deliver all the necesary nutrients & oxygen your baby needs to grow. Often your cervix (which is the entrance to the uterus) is slightly swollen due to the increased blood flow. The blood vessels in the cervix are also somewhat bigger. Pink discharge after intercourse that appears as spotting can be a normal sign. The "trauma" of the penis contacting the cervix during intercourse can cause these blood vessels to rupture and a small amount of bleeding to occur. This is normal. However, pink discharge may be a sign of something more serious. Pink or red discharge is always fresh bleeding. Brown discharge is almost always "old" bleeding. It is always best to check with your healthcare provider in order to know for sure whether pink discharge during pregnancy is normal for you. ANSWER I got pink blood in my discharge can that happen in early pregnancy but the thing is I got my period 2 weeks later

A few weeks ago i had discharge for 3 days was of a very light pink coulour then when the discharge stopped when i had sex it hurt now this must have been 3-4 weeks ago now i am getting cramps ideas?

light pink 3 day dischaarge sounds like a preimplantation bleeding to me. u should go have a pregnancy test done.

Are liquids are always clear?

no, they aren't always clear. You may notice during pregnancy some variation in your urine and discharge. However, if you notice any pink or bloody tinge to any urine or discharge especially during pregnancy, you should call your doctor and schedule an appointment for an exam just to be sure everything is okay.

Are liquids always clear?

no, they aren't always clear. You may notice during pregnancy some variation in your urine and discharge. However, if you notice any pink or bloody tinge to any urine or discharge especially during pregnancy, you should call your doctor and schedule an appointment for an exam just to be sure everything is okay.

Can you have a light pink discharge with pain on the left side and be pregnant?

Yes. You might have a tubal pregnancy. Yes you can.

You spotted light pink discharge for 2 days no cramps then you had your internal and have spotted for the past 4 days sometimes its really light pink to a darker pink but only when you wipe im 9 weeks?

Spotting during pregnancy is very common and mostly harmless, so long as it is not accompanied by severe abdominal pains. Some women spot throughout their pregnancy with no problems. Go see your doctor if you are concerned, they can often refer you for an ultrasound to set your mind at ease.

Pink mucus in pregnancy at 34 weeks?

Maybe you are losing your mucus plug