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Q: Planning across the full range of homland security operation is the responsibility of who?
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Where did black hawk live?

black hawk and his tribe sauk, lived in Iowa until some white settlers pushed them off their homland,onto the other side of the Mississippi river

Cell analogy country?

Nucleus : White House, Government (constitution) Cell Wall : Borders Cell Membrane : National Security/Homland Security/Military/Immigration/Customs Smooth & Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum : Highways Golgi : Truckers Lysosomes : Dumps Mitochondria : Companies Ribosomes: Postal Service Cytoplasm : Citizens/ground/white house Mitochondria: Power Plant chloroplast: solar panels

How was the Nazi soviet nonaggression pact broken?

The Non-Agression pact was between Hitler's Reich and Stalin's Russia. The pact was signed when Hitler and Stalin did a joint invasion of Poland. The pact basically stated that the Russians would not attack the Germans and vice versa. Also stated in this pact was the agreement that the Russians gained all of the countries natural resources, and the Germans collected all the Jew's and the econemy was to be split between the two countries. However the Russians and the Germans had a falling out during the peace time and a little Russian and German blood was spilled so the countries signed a second Non-agressin pact which was also brokewn when Hitler decided to push the Russians out of Poland and attack the Russian homland.

After independence did Canada join the United kingdom?

Before Independence northa America were just a bunch of colonies paying taxes to their homland. Finally some guys got together and started the independance. They tried to take over Canada but the british faught back and kept Canada for themselves.====================================================================It appears that you have mixed up wars, process and timing.Canada was the first country to be created by legislation. The British Parliament passed the British North America Act (now the Constitution Act), which created Canada as a new country on July 1, 1867.Prior to that date, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the pre-Confederation Province of Canada were separate British colonies.One of the reasons for Confederation was that the British colonies in North America were becoming quite expensive for Britain to maintain. Far more money flowed from Britain to British North America than the colonies sent to Britain.Canada achieved its independence peacefully. There was no war involved.

When was the Unites States coast guard founded?

The origins of the U.S. Coast Guard go as far back as 1790, when the "Revenue Cutter Service" was established as part of the Department of the Treasury. In 1915, this agency was merged with the U.S. Life-Saving Service and renamed as the U.S. "Coast Guard". This maritime military service is now a part of the Department of Homeland Security but continues to bear proudly the same recognizable name.

Did Athens win the war against Persia?

Technically Neither. after the last stand of the 300 Spartans at the battle of Thermopylae Greece was taken over by Macedon and for the first time in their long history the Greeks were united and (who you might have heard of) Alexander the Great took the throne and conquered all of Persia and northern Egypt. but to answer your question Athens for that was were Alexander ruled from.

What was the basis of the Jewish claim that Palestine was their homland?

Israel is important to Jews because God promised it to Jacob (Genesis ch.28), the father of the Israelites, and his descendants. Jacob was renamed Israel by God (Genesis ch.35); and the Israelites lived in Israel during the era of the Patriarchs (220 years), during the era from Joshua until the First Destruction (850 years), during the Second Temple era (420 years) and afterwards. They remained a majority in the land for another 300 years after the Second Destruction; and a minority of Jews remained there throughout the ensuing centuries.Israel had been the site of the First Temple, built by King Solomon; the dynasty of King David; the Second Temple, built by Ezra; and the Hasmonean Dynasty. It was where the Hebrew Prophets lived, and where the Mishna (Oral Torah) was codified. Also, many of the Torah's commands apply only in Israel.

What causes animals to become extinct?

The Dinosaur's Extinction Was A Meteor.The Pleistocene Animals Died From.Tar Pits,Climate Change,Starvation,Predators And Hunting. The Miocene Challenge Has The Same Things Apart From Hunting. Beacuse Cro-Magnons Diddn't Live That Time Beacuse They Were Extinct. So Today.Some Animals Are Rare For Those Kind Of Things.