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What does a quel temps mean?

Quel temps mean 'what weather'. Usually Quel Temps is used in a sentence such as 'Quel temps fait-il' or 'Quel temps il fait'.

What does quel domage mean?

quel dommage! - what a pity!

What does Quel รขge as-tu mean?

"quel âge as-tu ?" means 'how old are you?quel âge as-tu: how old are you?

What does 'Quel est le monde' mean?

Quel est le monde ? = What is the world ? But if it is - Quel monde !!!! (what a crowd !!!!)

When was Tel Quel created?

Tel Quel was created in 1960.

When did Tel Quel end?

Tel Quel ended in 1982.

How do you say how unfortunate in french?

Quel Malheur, or Quel dommage.

How do you say 'Such a Gentleman' in French?

«quel monsieur!» or «quel gentleman!»

How old r you in french?

"Quel âge avez-vous?" Or, more informally: "Tu as quel âge?" "Quel âge as-tu?"

How old is she in French?

Quel âge at-elle? or Elle a quel âge?

Tu as quel age?

How old are you.