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Stratum Corneum

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Q: Shinglelike cells that slough off the basis of dandruff?
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Is dandruff living or non-living?

Dandruff is just dead skin cells from your scalp. Making it non-living.

Is dandruff a creature?

Dandruff is not a creature, but the shedding of dead skin cells from the top of the head.

Can dandruff cause pain?

No. It is only loose dead skin cells.

Why do boys have dandruff?

It is not only boys who have dandruff, girls can too. It isn't gender specific, though it seems to be more common with boys. Dandruff itself occurs when the scalp does not shed the dead skin cells on a regular basis, but instead sheds randomly and spontaneously. This is what causes the white flakes. It is pretty simple to treat, just find a special dandruff shampoo at basically any store that sells shampoo, it should greatly reduce the white flakes and will help moisturize the scalp. I would first recommend speaking with your doctor for tips on what might be a good quality dandruff shampoo to use.

Why do you get dandruff?

1 anti-dandruff, dander Bacillus impact: There is a micro-organisms present on the scalp, which is a fungal scalp Bacillus, under normal circumstances no effect on the scalp, but the scalp losing resistance of such organisms, the dander Bacillus secretion of the scalp strong, metabolism faster, resulting in dandruff. 2, scalp cell dysfunction: dysfunction scalp cells produce large amounts when the root cause of dandruff, but also the underlying causes of dandruff. 3, other factors: the use of degreasing shampoo too strong, excessive drinking, excessive consumption of spicy food, since the rate of nervous tension, lack of sleep.

What is the basis of all living cells?

Protien is the basis of all living cells.

What is the sand like material that falls off your cat?

dandruff or dead skin cells

What are scalelike dead cells full of keratin that constantly slough off?

stratum corneumStratum corneumstratum corneum

What is the cause of dandruff and dry scalp?

If you scratch your arm you will see skin cells, that's dryness. If you see larger bits of skin in your hair then you have dandruff.

What Blood Cells are replaced on a regular basis?

the red blood cells are

Why do you have dandruff if you skip a day of showering?

Yes, dandruff can be caused by lack of showers. If you don't take enough showers, there is over activity of your oil glands. Shampooing daily will get rid of the oil and help prevent the dandruff. Therefore, if you don't take showers daily, you can't be shampooing daily, and therefore, your oil glands are producing more oil. Get the point? Also, some other causes of dandruff are: Stress, a high sugar intake, shampooing in hot water, low or no-fat diets, and blow-drying your hair.

Are the outermost cells of the epidermis living or dead?

Cells in the lower layers of the epidermis divide continually, producing new cells that constantly push through the layers of the epidermis. By the time those cells reach the outer layer of the epidermis, they are dead and ready to slough off.