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List 1: Short Term

  • Eat Ice Cream
  • Study for test tomorrow
  • read a book
  • go to the grocery store
  • etc.

List 2: Long Term

  • get a job
  • be a scientist
  • graduate
  • earn enough money to buy a car
  • etc.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Planned the work earlier in a day before execute it and save your money atleast 30% of your earning and invest it in various financial schemes for short term objective. Long term Objective to implement the short term for a long period of time

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13y ago

There are limited numbers of ways to evaluate people's career vision, long term objectives and their career aspirations.

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Short term objectives are usually based on immediate needs and long term objectives are based on future wants and projected needs.

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Your career objectives are the goals you would like to meet in your career. A short term objective could be to land a new promotion while a long term goal could be to become a CEO.

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Long-term objectives and strategies are products of strategy formulation. Short-term (annual) objectives and policies are products of strategy implementation. Firms should translate long-term objectives into annual objectives. Similarly, strategies should be supported with clear policies.

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The long term goals of a business are the aims and the objectives are the short term steps you take to get there.

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Businesses plan short term so that they can reach their long term objectives. They break their long term goals down into actionable goals they can measure.

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Short term liabilities have a 'life span' of 12 months or less. Long term liabilities have a 'life span' of greater than 12 months.

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From an accounting perspective, short-term investments have a life cycle of less than 12 months; long term investments have a life cycle of 12 months or longer.

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Is life long weight management a better goal than short term dieting?

Life-long weight management is a far better goal than short term dieting. This is because in order to truly manage your weight you must change your lifestyle. This is a life-long thing. Dieting is for the short term and will not help you manage your weight for the rest of your life.

Which is more important when doing planning for your business?

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