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That question is a little vague ... I will answer this in 3 major parts to determine your specific situation...

1st Degree Burn (Redness with burning sensation)

It is OK to leave uncovered ... but first thing make sure the area is saturated with cold water for at least 5 minutes to stop the actual burn from getting any worst... Even though the source of the burn is off or whatever part of body is removed from the cause of burn, the skin can continue to burn literally for a few minutes hence starting out as 1st degree burn, ending up as 2nd degree Burn

2nd Degree Burn (Redness with burning sensation plus blistering of skin)

Recommend to keep covered to protect the area and also should visit Primary Doctor or go to Emergency Room ... Time is essential here because the blistering can get worst which is why I also recommend saturation of the area with mildly cold to room temperature water because too cold can have an adverse effect on the area from cooling down too quick ... Emergency Room will most likely examine the burn and if indeed a 2nd degree, you will get a prescription for Silva-dine Solution which is a cream that you put on burn about twice daily for 7 days and please try to not to break any blisters ... Broken blisters can lead to infection as the new raw skin is exposed taking in bacteria ...

3rd Degree Burn (Black and charred skin)

This type of burn is the most severe of all burns ... More than likely a hostpital stay would be required once you visit Emergency Room ... Time is of upmost important to recovery as the longer your affected area is exposed the higher the chance of infection will occur ... Once in a hostpital with a Burn Unit the Doctors and Nurses are especially trained to handle the exenstive burns ... They will keep the burned area moist and keep the area as sterile as humanly possible to prevent infection ... In some cases skin grafting may be required to recover and most of time the actual prognosis you will find the affected area to become disfigured and/or discolored ... This is because of the deeper burn to the area that damages the dermal region and new skin is making admends for the damage hence the skin is disfigured to one exent to another plus the discolored skin from light to dark which all depends on how much of the skin and how deep does the burn go ...

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Q: Should a burn be covered or left to heal in the open air?
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