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The two concepts are not related. Payment of child support is a financial responsibility. It does not depend on whether you see your children or not.

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Q: Should a father pay back child support when the mother refused to let the father see the child?
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If the father gives up rights to the child can the mother still collect child support from the father?

no the mother should have the legal obligation to take care of the child

Does father have to pay child support to mother if the 16yr girl decides to live with mother exclusively?

yes, he always should pay child support because she is his child.

Can the mother summit false statement in child support to get more money from the father of the kids and the father knows and what should he do?

The father should return to the venue that issued the order for support, with proof of his income, and ask for a modification.SEE LINK BELOW

Can a mother sue for child support of her 32 year old daughter when the father refused to acknowledge paternity?

No. She is grown now so no need for child support. You should have done this when she was still a child. A DNA test would easily have proved he was the dad and the court would've forced him to pay.

Does a mother have to agree for a father to pay child support?

No, Welfare will file, plus the father can file an order, as he should. see link

If you send your child to the father for a year should you be required to send him the child support money back?

Yes, its child support. If the money is not used to support the child then its being misused. Alimony would be to support you. If the father is looking after the child, then he should not be paying child support to the mother - she doesn't have the cost of looking after the child at that time. In fact, the mother may well be in a position to send chilod support to the father - it goes both ways and she is responsible for the child just as much as the father is.

What should the Non custodial father do if the kids have been with him for years living in my house and now the mother tries to get support when they move with her?

In such a case, the non-custodial father should prepare to begin paying child support.

How do you file for child support in NC?

No, however a father should and not wait for the mother to. see links below

How do you apply for child support from father in Canada while mother and kids are living in US?

The mother should contact her (US) state child support agency. Be patient but persistent. Good luck!

If a 15-year-old moves to California to live with her mother after living with her 11-year-old brother and father for 4 years in Washington and her brother stays in WA how does child support work?

If your father was given total custody of you and your brother then he could go to court to get you back. However, (and you would have to ask your mother this) if your mother and father have joint custody (such as you or your brother seeing your mother on spring break or other holidays) then child support would continue as was instructed by the courts. If your father had total custody and your mother never saw you, then she could file for partial child support. I know it's confusing, but simply put, if your father doesn't pay your mother child support she should see at least Child Welfare regarding this matter and your father should be paying her some child support regarding you. Good luck hon Marcy

Which state would you pay child support through if the mother and children lived in PA and the father in NY?

You should pay through the court where child support was ordered. They will mail or otherwise get it to the mother in PA.

What can a mother do for a child support if the father is unemployed?
