

Should i wipe vinegar on mite areas of dog?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Should i wipe vinegar on mite areas of dog?
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Spray it off daily with Windex Vinegar and wipe it down it should help

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You neutralize base spill with vinegar before attempting to wipe up.

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Place Some lemon and white vinegar in a bowl and mix then dab where mark is and leave go back 2-3 minutes later and wipe it and it should disappear like THAT!!! If not use Spray n Wipe.

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clean it with an antiseptic wipe/spray and then just leave it

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preasure washer or you can try simple green or CLR and a good stiff brush. For an alternative try white vinegar is mostly preferred in removing rust stains. Cider apple vinegar can also be used for this purpose. White vinegar is more effective when undiluted. But since vinegar is acidic, it is advised to not smear areas that are not stained with rust, lest your unaffected wood deck would whiten. To remove rust stain, soak a clean cloth or sponge with white vinegar then use it to wipe the rust stains off the wood deck. Wipe the area immediately with a dry clean cloth..The clean of all deck to bring up the finish

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water&nail polish remover&vinegar- Wash the nail after/before acrylic,wipe it with nail polish remover&if there is some stainge left over,wash your nails with vinegar then wipe them dry and wash with water.Hope this solves your problem x

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Vinegar is great for cleaning mirrors. Mix a solution of half water with white vinegar. Spray the mixture onto the mirror and wipe with a kitchen towel.

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I use white vinegar, a wee bit of water, and if you don"t like to have the smell of vinegar, use a little bit of good smelling hand soap. To wipe, use newspaper, make the newspaper into a ball, and wipe until dry. Now you have smashing windows!

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