

Should kids have to pay for sports?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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If it's at school, then obviously not. The government can't afford to pay for outside of school activities, so in that case paying is neccesary.

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Kids should not pay for sports because students should have fun.There wouldn't be fun if you have to pay a lot of money each month or year in a sport.Another reason why kids should not pay for sports is because less kids would join to play on a sport.Parents might not have the money to pay each month or year for a sport.It's a school's job to fund these activities and not a kids'. Students should participate in sports and not worry about paying.

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its so kids wont get fat. its the only exercise some kids get. also people love sports like me

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so the kids get exposed to sports at a young age

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Nothing, it has no meaning

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Only with parental supervision.

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Sports should be allowed in school because many reasearchers studied and di tests to kids that did sports and to kids who didn't the kids that played sports got a much better grade. Also, it helps with physical atributes but also mental

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yes they do. one in three American kids are obese. they should play sports more!