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University of Waterloo. (My opinion only).

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Q: Should we choose University of Waterloo or Western Ontario for Biomedical Science. Which one is better?
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Which university is the best biomedical science school?

Temple University School of Medicine Biomedical Science is considered one of the best biomedical science school's in the country. Also, The University of North Carolina is up there!

What qualifiacations does a biomedical scientist need?

I'm sure it will vary depending upon country, but in Australia there are university courses called "Biomedical Science" with the express purpose of training biomedical scientists.

Which universities are good for science and technology in Canada?

University of alberta, university of Wester ontario, university of calgary, university of mcmaster .

Which universities in Australia offer veterinary science?

Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Melbourne, Victoria.School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, Murdoch University, Western Australia.Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, New South Wales.Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of QueenslandSchool of Animal & Veterinary Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales.Faculty of Medicine Health and Molecular Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland.School of Veterinary Science, University of Adelaide, South Australia (a new course that began in 2008).

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What postgraduate degree in biomedical science is in demand in the UK and the states?

Clinical Biochemistry is the postgraduate degree in Biomedical Science that is in demand in the United States and the states. This degree is more about research.

Does the biomedical science community have the right or responsibility to cure all human impairments?

The Biomedical Science Community have the and respoonsibilty to give everyone access to cures if they want them but patients have the right to refuse cures.

What are the related sciences to biological science?

Well there are many... Biomedical science, Biochemistry science, Biophysics. Just to name a few :)

Where is the Grout Museum Of History And Science in Waterloo Iowa located?

The address of the Grout Museum Of History And Science is: 503 South Street, Waterloo, IA 50701

How can dissection in biomedical science be made reproducible?

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Is biomedical science same as biological science?

A: Biomedical would deal with devices like synthetic heart valves for transplants or, even study electromagnetism in the body. Genetic would deal with growing new (non-synthetic in theory) organs or biological matter. Not really the same, although they are closely related in educational backgrounds.