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I don't really believe you have to worry, but I do think your wife owes you an explanation. Communication in a relationship is #1 and always should be. It could be that it is a very awkward situation, and if you didn't know her ex boyfriend or his family then there is no need to be there. I wouldn't worry too much, but I would ask your wife she doesn't think you should go. Good luck Marcy What is it about your relationship that she isn't wanting to share with other people? On the other hand, why would she want to be some place that doesn't except who she is with now? Why doesn't she want her ex boyfriend to see the man she's supposed to be happy and in love with? Your gut usually let's you know when something isn't right. Also, you're not making something out of nothing. It doesn't make sense. I wouldn't necessarily worry, but it's strange that she wouldn't want you to be there. I would advice open and honest communication on the issue. Find out why she feels the way she does. if your relationship is open and have lots of communication in it you should'nt even be thinking of this question. Trust should be number one in your relationship. and you do need to remember that everyone that we meet have had some type of prior life before they met. ctr Don`t be worried. A funeral is usually something that relatives do not want to share with everybody unlike a joyful event like a wedding. It shows only a lot of consideration for the other family if your wife attends alone. Don`t take it personal, I am sure she means well. Of course you should worry! I mean, come on--if YOU are her partner & she is totally serious about you--then you would accompany her to any funeral she had to go to-no matter who it was for--and vice versa. If she doesn't WANT you to go--then it's clear that there's a reason why. Now if it's because you don't get along with his family or whatever-then ok, but if you don't really even know them-there should be no reason that she should tell you she doesn't want you to go! SHe obviously wants to mess around with him behind your back-don't be stupid! If you let her go by herself-then you are not a good boyfriend, and you should break up with her-just for her even telling you she wants to go alone--she's a cheater, boy! Don't believ her lies!!!

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Q: Should you be worried if your wife wants to attend her ex-boyfriend's father's funeral without you?
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