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I think pregnant women should limit intake of spicy food as well as eating one thing in abundance. For example a pregnant lady who eats a lot of peanut butter might cause her fetus to develop an allergy to peanuts later in life. Tabasco has a lot of vitamin C due to the chili but it should be consumed in moderation in my opinion but best to speak to your doctor.

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Q: Can you eat hot sauce while pregnant?
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It depends on the cat if eating hot sauce will make him sick. If your cat has a delicate stomach, hot sauce may not agree.

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exactly that.. hot sauce. if you're from north America then chances are its hotter than what you eat but still its just hot sauce made from peppers

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NONE unless its cooked and piping hot.

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exactly that.. hot sauce. if you're from North America then chances are its hotter than what you eat but still its just hot sauce made from peppers

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Not that I am aware of.

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no its not bad unless you drink or eat one everyday stop or go see a doctor if you get stomache whenever you eat hot sauce...

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well the simple answer is not to eat hot souce

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