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I love it when I get maggots in my compost bin because they speed the decomposition of the organic materials. Its important however to move the bin far enough away from the house that there are no objectionable odors. If you use a compost accelerant it will speed up the decomposition without attracting flies which lay their eggs and hatch as maggots. you can get compost alive for green matter from which will do this.

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14y ago
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8y ago

Yes, it is usual to have maggots in a compost bin. Maggots represent the larval stage of soldier flies, which number among nature's beneficial decomposers of debris. Their presence tends to upset neighbors so it can be controlled by repairing cracks and replacing mesh.

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13y ago

Maggots are fine. They assist with breaking down the particles.

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13y ago

No. The maggots will eat the roots of your plants, causing them to die. Pick out the maggots if possible. If not, I wouldn't use the soil.

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Are maggots among the organisms in a compost bin?

Yes, maggots are among the organisms that may be found in compost bins. The insects in question represent a larval stage that consumes nitrogen-rich layers of compostables and recyclables and helps break down organic matter. The larvae mature into soldier flies (Stratiomyidae family) that encourage beneficial bacterial presences in compost bins.

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A compost bin will turn organic waste into natural fertilizer.

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Organic matter in a compost bin decomposes as a result of bacteria action.

Why do maggots get into a bin?

Flies get into the bin to lay eggs usually attracted to meat carcasses. They lay eggs which develop to maggots so they can feed on the food in your bin and turn into flies!

What it is a compost bin?

A bin that is used when composting manure and vegetation.

How do you get rid of maggots in bin?

Have the bin man dispose of the material in his refuse truck. Then wash out your bin.

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If you have orange mold growing in your kitchen compost bin, you need to take your compost out. Mold is hot healthy to have in your house.

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No dead animal matter is suitable for a compost bin.

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Can potatoes go in a compost bin?

Potatoes make excellent compost material.

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