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Eating Ice Cream When Having a ColdIt may not help much. Dairy products tend to increase the presence of mucus. If you have a cold or cough, this is not the best thing to have happen. To stay hydrated and help to thin mucus, drink lots of water as opposed to milk, ice cream, or other dairy products.

In addition, sugar is broken down into glucose. Therefore, glucose is in the system in great abundance after a nice helping of ice cream. Unfortunately for you, vitamin C and glucose have the same receptor sites on a cell. Vitamin C is imparitive to proper immune function. The more glucose you put in the system, the less chance there is for Vit. C to bind to receptor sites. People think that taking a massive load of vit. C is helpful when they're sick. This is only because it helps to increase the ratio of Vit. C to glucose. If they didn't consume so much sugar, they wouldn't need to take extra in the first place.

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13y ago
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13y ago

No, if you have a cold you should be eating more properly.

Try to eat fruit frequently as this helps your immune system to fight off the virus. Also drink plenty of water, the more healthy you eat and drink, your body will be much stronger, there for able to get rid of the virus quicker.

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14y ago

No. Food does not cause the common cold. It's microorganisms from the air and those who carry these microorganisms (i.e. someone who is already infected with the common cold and comes in contact with you) that causes the common cold. So enjoy your ice cream all you want but be careful of those around you that have a cold.

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12y ago

Colds are not acutally tied to being cold. Eating ice cream will do nothing unless you are sick to your stomach.

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15y ago

Why not, it wil probly make it feel les painfull.

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14y ago

yes, totally

because it clams you down so you can relax and i love ice cream

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14y ago

If the fever is not too high and eating doesn't upset your stomach, then yes.

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14y ago


especially if you love it

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Q: Could you eat ice cream when you are sick?
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Eat it, use it for "ice cream projects"?

Is it possible to eat a gallon of ice cream in 3 hours?

Well, I could eat that in 2!

How fast can you eat your ice cream?

I think that i can eat ice cream very fast

How old do you have to be to eat an ice cream?

You are about 1 year in a half to eat a ice cream

Can you get sick when you put ice cream in hot coco?

No. there is no obvious scientifical way you could get sick. ulness personal sensitivity or disposition is in the person.