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Because he wasn't want too look as ridiculous as Hulk Hogan when he takes his shirt off in front of thousands of people, maybe.

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Q: Since Vince McMahon works out and uses steroids why does he wear a sleeveless or muscle shirt instead of being bare chested during fights?
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Can you use testosterone instead of steroids?

Testosterone is the cornerstone of steroids. Alone, it's OK, but steroids without testosterone is bad.

What is decca steroids?

a steroid for getting cutt instead of bulking.

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as revealed on RAW last night (2/25/08) the deal between McMahon and finaly is that hornswoggle is not mr McMahon son, and he instead finalys. which explains the deal that was made between the two.

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Steroids are lipids. Lipids are organic soluble, instead of water soluble. Their basic structure is that of the steroid ring: four linked rings of carbon.

Do steroids ruin reputations?

of course. Think of barry bonds, he was a great player and everyone talked about him that was a fan of baseball (which im not). once everyone found out that he took steroids, fans imeedietly hated him. Instead of being known for being one of the best hitters ever, he will be known for steroids.

Inhaler without steroids instead of flovent?

I am researching the same subject. So far I found one called Spiriva.

What is a fisher burner?

Like a Bunsen burner on steroids... Instead of 1 point of flame, you get 20 or something. It gets things crazy hot.

What are testosterone enhancers?

Testosterone enhancers are kind of like steroids but instead of injecting or swaloing them, the enhancer helps your body naturaly produces more.

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Testosterone enhancers are kind of like steroids but instead of injecting or swaloing them, the enhancer helps your body naturaly produces more.

Can you use testostrone cream instead of steroids for asthma?

No, steroids used for the treatment of asthma are not the same as testosterone. Asthma attacks often have two phases, the initial attack then a recurrence a few hours later. Using the wrong type of steroid (like testosterone or anabolic steroids for sports/bodybuilding) in the place of an inhaled corticosteroid (albuterol, etc) could result in death if either attack were serious enough.

Can you use steroids 2 months after varicocele surgery?

I have No idea! But steroids are disgusting & i don't care how buff it makes u. Honor God with your body! Love yourself 4 who u r. Quit being lazy & go & do the work to be strong instead of cheating! Ladies will love u more!

What effects do horse steroids have on humans?

Very bad illness. Horse steroids are for HORSELEGS and not for human legs. If you take them thinking your going to win a dash,sprint,or marathon you just got very bad illnesses into your system and instead have more chances of dieing than winning a race.