

Symptoms of a sick dog

Updated: 10/8/2023
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12y ago

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Dogs suffer from various illnesses in a lifetime. Some are bacterial or viral in origin, while some are metabolic. Every disease in dog exhibits certain symptoms. Here is some useful information about the symptoms of a sick dog, which can help you identify the disease.

If you have a cuddly dog, you need to be very careful and alert about its health. It may suffer from various diseases and health problems. The dog can't explain the symptoms of its illness. Therefore, it's your responsibility to identify the symptoms of a sick dog and get it treated by a veterinarian and maintain its health.

Common Dog Diseases

A dog may suffer from different ailments, which may be due to certain bacterial or viral infections, metabolic disorders, immune abnormalities, trauma, cancer, genetic factors or degenerative conditions. Some of the common dog diseases are ear infection, skin Allergies and infections, chronic kidney failure, cancer/tumor, dental disease, arthritis, urinary infection, stomach inflammation, epilepsy, diabetes, obesity, pancreatitis, food allergy, worm infestation, to name a few.

Symptoms of a Sick Dog

Knowing the disease of your dog is possible only if you are aware of the symptoms of a sick dog. Some of the common indications of a sick dog are lethargy, weakness, lack of appetite, weight loss, disorientation, diarrhea, vomiting, unproductive retching, bloody urine, straining to urinate, bleeding, difficulty in walking, pale mucous membrane, persistent cough and difficulty in breathing. These warning signs are helpful in accurate diagnosis of the disease.

Many dogs when ill do not want to move. They have pain in moving; they may limp and refuse to exercise. All these signs indicate the injured leg or paw. These are the signs of injury or illness. Strong ear smell, discharge and shaking of the head are indicative of mites or yeast infection. Persistent coughing is a sign of kennel cough, heartworm, pneumonia or Heart disease. If the dog passes blood in urine, then it may be suffering from urinary tract infection, kidney disease or internal injury. Constipation or defecating problems are indicative of intestinal blockage or a change of diet.

100-103°F is a normal temperature for the adult dogs, while 94-97 ° F is normal for the puppies. High temperature can be a sign of bacterial or viral infection. Bleeding gums or bad breath along with teeth loss or discolored teeth are the symptoms of periodontal disease. Increased thirst and urination frequency in dog are the symptoms of kidney disease, diabetes or liver disease. If your dog is suffering from the urinating problems, then it may possibly suffer from the kidney disease or kidney stones. Blood or worms in feces are the signs of bowel infection or parasite infestation. If your dog is ingesting grass or other vegetation or it is suffering from vomiting, then it may have the worm infestation or poisoning or gastrointestinal problems.

Itching or scratching can be the symptoms of skin allergies and skin infections. Diarrhea in dog indicates stress, Parvovirus, change in diet or Corona virus. The lumps are indicative of cyst, ulceration or tumor. Lameness in dog is due to injury or canine hip and elbow dysplasia. Pale gums and pale tongue are signs of shock. Watery eyes indicate allergies and in-grown eyelash. Sudden or dramatic weight loss indicates cancer, worm infestation or Cushing's disease.

The symptoms of a sick dog help you understand the exact health problem of your dog, so that it can be treated earliest. If these symptoms persist for 24 hours or more, then you need to consult a veterinarian immediately in order to get appropriate treatment.

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You'll probably first notice your dog is suffering from nausea when he vomits.

Dogs can cough and splutter a bit, with causes anywhere from a big drink of water taken too fast to food eaten too fast, to swallowing hair, but they don't actually vomit.

If your dog does vomit don't worry too much unless you have reason to believe he's ingested something which is bad for him - chemicals, food that wasn't meant for him, medication he shouldn't have had, and so on. If you think he's had something which is making him sick, call a veterinarian or animal clinic for advice; they might suggest you visit for a consultation.

In any case, if your dog keeps vomiting, can't keep food or water down, is lethargic or in pain, take him urgently to a vet or animal clinic.

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