

Best Answer
explaining missing men in childrens liveIt is being discovered that in many more cases than realized, men have been driven out of relationships with their children because of a persistent emotional malice causing a continual generation of false allegations and lies offered to secure favored status with children and courts, also offered in the form of fabrications, twisted emotional dramas and displays, fantastic perjuries in courts, dramas of victimization, exploitation of the general publics interest in the welfare of children to gain a crucifying emotional momentum against a father (in the case of "false sexual abuse claims") etc. These are acts akin to crying wolf, frequently entertained in the constitutionally questionable "family courts" that seem to defy the imperative that there exists a mandate in our constitution to an equal treatment before the courts without favor to gender. That is what has the infamous US "Family Courts" world renowned as the "liars courts". It is the opinion of many men that as much or more child abuse is leveled against children with discrediting, identity destroying emotional abuse than physical abuse and that it is frequently easier to recover from physical abuse than emotional abuse which can occur in life in childhood and remain an emotional disability, forever continuing to thwart and ruin activities and relationships in that persons life.

In any case, whether it is a father or a man that is a close friend that is missing in a child's life, a parent or concerned individual that hasn't contributed to that persons disappearance will usually have enough of a grasp on love and the real situation with respect to what was missing in that persons life to lovingly and decently explain the situation. In the end, the truth will usually save a child's emotional well being. If only more people could speak the truth.

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