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In a series of wars, Charlemagne secured a vast territory from the Pyrenees to the Danube and enforced Christianity on Saxons, Lombards, Croats and even the Moors in Spain, both by force of arms and by legislation. Kathleen Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the U.S. Episcopal Church, stated, "Charlemagne converted whole tribes by the sword."

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Charlemagne spread Christianity among the Saxons by brutal murder. One of the worst horrors of Charlemagne's reign was the reputed beheading of forty-five hundred Saxons in 782 marked because they resisted the campaign of forced conversion to Christianity. Kathleen Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the U.S. Episcopal Church, said, "Charlemagne converted whole tribes by the sword."

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Which European leaders helped to spread Christianity?

Charlemagne, the Roman Emperor

How did Charlemagne spread Christianity?

Charlemagne spread Christianity throughout the Empire by going to war with many people. After defeating them, he gave them two choices: Christianity or death. Many chose Christianity, while other stayed faithful to their past religion. Because he "always kept his promises" he killed over 4,500 people.AnswerCharlemagne used conquests and tyranny to spread Christianity. Kathleen Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the U.S. Episcopal Church, said, "Charlemagne converted whole tribes by the sword." In the year 782, the Frankish king Charlemagne reputedly beheaded forty-five hundred Saxons who resisted his campaign of forced conversion to Christianity. In 800, the Pope crowned Charlemagne in Rome, as Holy Roman Emperor.

How did Clovis and Charlemagne help spread Christianity?

A:The Frankish king Clovis I (481-511), a devout pagan, converted to Catholic Christianity, thus strengthening the position of the Catholic Church. Christian kings demanded that their subjects also be Christians. Charlemagne used conquests, tyranny and bloodshed to spread Christianity. Kathleen Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the U.S. Episcopal Church, said, "Charlemagne converted whole tribes by the sword." In the year 782, the Frankish king Charlemagne reputedly beheaded forty-five hundred Saxons who resisted his campaign of forced conversion to Christianity. In 800, the Pope crowned Charlemagne in Rome, as Holy Roman Emperor.

What was Charlemagne's strengths?

Charlamagne united Europe. He was crowned emperor by pope leo the third in 800. He had schools built for the expansion of learning and knowlegde, and he spread Christianity.

How did Clovis and Charlemagne contribute to the spread Christianity?

Clovis made Christianity the only religion in Europe and Charlemagne killed those who weren't Christian Hope I helped:)

Is Charles Martel and Charlemagne the same person?

NOOO!!!Charles Martel is the grandfather of Charlemagne."Martel" means Hammer because Charles Martel stopped Muslims from expanding in the Battle of Tours. He never became emperor.His grandson, Charlemagne centralized the Germanic peoples by traveling a lot to ensure his control and also setting up a system with counts (local rulers) and missi dominici to check on the counts.He was crowned emperor by Pope Leo 2 after fighting off the Lombards (barbarians). He helped spread Christianity by becoming one. (ex: Saxons forced to convert to Christianity since Charlemagne defeated them)

What were Charlemagne's two goals?

Charlemagne's two main goals were to spread Christianity & to rule the roman empire (:

Who died during the spread of Christianity?

A:An unknown number of pagans and gnostics died to further the spread of Christianity, from the fourth century onwards. In just one year, 782, the Frankish king Charlemagne reputedly beheaded four thousand five hundred Saxons who resisted his campaign of forced conversion to Christianity, and we can not know how many deaths occurred elsewhere in the same year.

How did clovis and Charlemagne contribute to the spread of Christianity?

Clovis made Christianity the only religion in Europe and Charlemagne killed those who weren't Christian Hope I helped:)

How did Charlemagne spread Christianity and promote trade?

Charlemagne fought in about 53 military conquests and gave the defeated a choice. Christianity or death. Many chose Christianity, but some who were very religious chose death. Charlemagne was a man of his word. He killed over 4,500 people.

What help Christianity to continue spreading after the fall of Roman Empire?

The Germanic peoples who invaded the Western Roman Empire were either already Arian Christians or converted to Roman Catholicism. Emperor Charlemagne conquered norther Germany and sent priests to covert the peoples there to Christianity. Missionaries travelled around the pagan parts of Europe to spread Christianity.

What frankish king helped spread Christianity over Europe after the fall of the roman empire?

It was Charlemagne.