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Q: The MAIN reason citizens have rights and responsibilities is to?
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A key function of the Bill of Rights is to protect?

Yes, the reason the Bill of Rights was created was to protect the rights of the nations citizens. The main reason it came about was to appease the anti-federalist in the 1780's when the constitution was to be originally ratified.

What are the main responsibilities of the Texas State government?

To provide its citizens a free and independent state, and to protect their rights under both the US and State constitutions. Paraphrasing the Texas Constitution.

What are some reasons gay people would get married?

The main reason is the dignity of having their relationship recognized by society, but marriage also gives the couple rights and responsibilities.

What rights do citizens have in a constitutional government?

citizens have the right to freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom to own property. there are other rights but these are really the main rights

What was the main reason the US went into the Civil War?

the main reason was the slavery rights

What is the main the purpose of the bill of rights?

It spells out the freedoms of individual citizens.

What is the main purpose for the Bill Of Rights?

it spells out freedom to individual citizens

What was the main idea of the Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizens?

all citizens were born equal and remained equal in the eyes of the law.

What are the rights and responsibilities of contractor?

Well, there are a lot of rights and responsibilities of a contractor that are specified in the contract with the homeowner or building owner. The main responsibility by the contractor is doing the job that the contract was drawn up for and the main right is to get paid for his or her services. There can be other rights specifically but the best thing to do is to put them in writing or they are not binding on either party.

What is the main principle of the constitution?

All citizens are entitled to a large number of individual rights.

If the Civil War was not fought over the issue of slavery what was the main reason for the conflict in the opinion of the North and the South?

The main reason was states rights.

What is the main reason that the constitution did not proclaim that all men were born equal in their rights?

The main reason that constitution did not proclaim that all men were born free equal in their rights is that all men are born at different places and different places have not free equal in their rights.