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Q: The United States Asian colony was?
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What were the advantages of the addition of Florida to United States?

Florida had been a Spanish colony and then was a British colony. It was an advantage for the United States to purchase it not to have British on their southern border.

Was Louisiana was never a british colony how did it help to shape Louisiana into what it is today?

No it was never a British colony, it was French, Spanish and then purchased by the United States. No it was never a British colony, it was French, Spanish and then purchased by the United States.

Was Mexico a part of Spain?

It was a colony of Spain in the Americas, much as the United States used to be a colony of England.

What was the first colony to join the USA?

Assuming you meant in the United States, the first colony was the Colony of Virginia established in 1607.

What is an Asian Indian?

An Asian Indian is a designation used by the United States Census Bureau to refer to a citizen of America of Asian descent with ancestors in Asia.

When did the United States colonized Japan?

Japan was never a colony of the United states. Japan was defeated and surendered to the US at the end of WW2.

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Asian Lady Bug?

The Asian Lady Bug is actually known as the Asian Lady Beetle. It is a tree dwelling beetle introduced to the United States in 1978.

Are there very many Asian food markets in the United States?

There are many asian food markets in the United States. The one I go to very frequently is 99 ranch market, has all sorts of good asian produces and items that are harder to find in regular american supermarkets.

What was in colonial Philadelphia?

Philadelphia was in the colony of Pennsylvania until it joined the United States of America as the second state on December 12, 1787. Philadelphia was in the colony of Pennsylvania until it joined the United States of America as the second state on December 12, 1787.

The united states kept what as a colony untellthe 20th century?

Puerto Rico

Who did the us keep as a colony after taking control of it from Spain?

The United States took the Philippines as a colony after taking control of it from Spain.