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The process of water loss through the stomata of the leaves is called transpiration.

The stomata of a leaf are usually found on the underside of most leaves and each consists of two curved cells. When the air is moist, these absorb moisture and become more curved, opening little holes through which air and water vapour can pass in and out. When the air is dry, the stomata close up, minimising the loss of water vapour from inside the leaf. Photosynthesis and respiration are also reduced when this occurs.

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Q: The loss of water vapor from a plant through its stomata?
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Related questions

What part of the plant gives off water vapor through openings called stomata?

Plant leaves have openings called stomata.

Waste gas that exits through stomata?

Oxygen and water vapor are released through the stomata.

What is it when water vapor is lost through stomata?

transpiration :)

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What is the name of the water cycle process where plants give of water vapor to the atmosphere?

The process is called transpiration, whereby water vapor is released through the stomata of plant leaves. A different process that releases liquid water from the xylem is called guttation.

Is a stomata cell an animal cell?

Yes, there is a nucleus in a stomata cell.

How does transpiration move water up in a plant?

Transpiration of water is evaporation of excess water in a plant through stomata of a plant. When water is transpired, water is pulled upwards through the vessels to the stomata present in the leaves of the plant. This process not only allows transpiration to occur but also transport the water from the roots to the leaves of the plant.

Does the stomata in a plant allow excess water vapour to escape from the plant?

Yes, the stomata in a plant allow excess water vapor to escape from the plant through a process called transpiration. This helps in regulating the water balance and preventing the plant from becoming overhydrated. Stomata also play a role in gas exchange, allowing carbon dioxide to enter the plant for photosynthesis.

Water vapor moves out of leaves through open stomata This process is known as?


Why does the stomata of a plant open after the plant has been watered?

because of "transpiration" - the plant releases water vapor from the stomata, thus making underpressure in its vessels, thus the water gets sucked in to roots from the soil.

What substances pass through a leafs stomata?

Oxygen and Water (in the form of vapor)

What process of plants release water vapor into the air?

It evaporates through the stomata in their leaves when they absorb carbon dioxide and/or release oxygen. This evaporation actually helps the plant because the negative pressure helps pull more water up through the plant's roots.