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Play drive: The impulse or need within a child or young person that starts the play cycle.

Play cue: A signal that a child wants to play, facial expressions, body language or language that communicate that a child wants to play with others.

Play return: The response to a play cue, which can come from another person, the environment or from the child playing.

Play frame: The process or space that is created by cues and returns. It's a boundary that keeps the play intact. It begins with the child's play drive and includes all that allows play to continue. It may be as big as a football pitch or as small as a chessboard and the two people playing. As a playworker you can be inside or outside of the frame depending on the level of the playworkers involvement.

Play Cycle: The full flow of play from the first play cue to the return and the further development of play- with more cues and returns until the play is complete.

Play Annihilation: The end of the play frame. Children take what they want from the activity and then it is finished. A playworker can cause play annihilation if they intervene inappropriately in children's play.

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