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That would be Candide.

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Q: The most famous work written by Voltaire a short satiric novel published in 1758?
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The most famous work written by Voltaire a short novel published in 1758?

That would be Candide.

What year did Voltaire say I may not agree with what you have to say but i will defend to the death your right to say it?

Voltaire did not actually say that famous quote. It was written by Evelyn Beatrice Hall in her 1906 biography of Voltaire, summarizing his beliefs on free speech and tolerance. The quote encapsulates Voltaire's advocacy for freedom of expression and open debate.

What famous book did Voltaire write?


What was the book that Voltaire wrote?

he wrote about philosophy

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Why is Voltaire famous?

Voltaire is undoubtedly one of the most famous Enlightenment thinkers there ever was. Voltaire was once exiled to England because of his provocation, Voltaire became an absolute admirer of British culture, science, and political institutions. Most of all, he became a convert to the ideas of Newton, Bacon, and Locke (all three of whom were key figures during the Scientific Revolution in the previous century.Voltaire is famous for popularizing Newton's work in France and advocating British empiricism and the scientific method, as opposed to the more Cartesian method the French used at the time. Voltaire published Philosophical Letters after his return to France in 1734. This work was a huge sensation. He focused on religious and political liberty, which he portrayed through many comparisons between British and French methods and ideas. British open-mindedness and respect for scientists, as well as its support for research, was very unlike Louis XIV's intolerant attitude (remember that Louis XIV was an absolutist monarch). Thus he was famous for being a critic.In addition to this, Voltaire also had a famous line "Ecrasez l'infame" which translates to "crush infamy", directed at all forms of repression, fanaticism, and bigotry. Voltaire had a steadfast opposition to any sort of intolerance, but most of all, religious intolerance. He wanted to rescue morality and he argued for common sense and simplicity, believing that those reveal the good in humanity and establish stable authority. Thus, Voltaire was also famous for being intolerant of intolerance.And, of course, Voltaire is still very famous as a writer. He critiqued many aspects of French society and also published his own works. The Philosophical Letters mentioned above is one of them. But, Voltaire is most famous for publishing Candide, a novel. This novel ridicules those who believe humans have a ceaseless potential for improving themselves and their environment. Thus, Voltaire is also famous as a writer.

What was Voltaire famous quote from the declaration?

Voltaire's famous quote from the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen is: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Who were Rousseau and Voltaire?

they were very famous peole that influenced the enlightenment period.

Who famous famous person was opposed to the bible?

Abraham lincoln

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What is piece of writing called which is written after someone's death?

An obituary is what is published in a newspaper after a famous person's death.

What famous book was written by Miguel de Cervantes in 1605?

Don Quixote was published in 1605 by Cervantes.