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They were Saltare

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Q: The name of ABDC's jump roping group in season 5?
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Related questions

What is the high score for jump roping?

the highest number for jump roping is 1,000

What highest number on jump roping?

the highest number for jump roping is 1,000 times

Will jump-roping become an Olympic sport?

Why would something like jump-roping become a sport in the Olympics? Answer that. Well, there are, believe it or not, national competitions for jump roping. So why wouldn't it?

Is jump roping good exercise?


What were Earle Dicksons hobbies?

jump roping

What type of activity is jump roping?


Do you get bathroom break when jump roping for world coppititenn?

yes you do

What type of physical activety is jump roping?

cardio or aerobics

When did jump rope start?

jump roping started Long ago in Egypt

What is the world record for jump roping?

the world record for jump roping is over 51,000 jumps it is in the genious book of world records

How many hours is the record for jump roping?

a lot of hours for 400

Is jump roping an ancient Chinese game?

It's unclear when jump roping began. According to the jump rope institue "The first concrete evidence of jump rope activity can be seen in medieval paintings where children roll hoops and jump rope down the cobblestone streets of Europe. Although, the exact origin of jump rope activity is unclear. Some date jump roping to ancient China; however, the Western versions probably originated from 1600 A.D. Egypt. What is known is that jump roping, in some form or another, spread through Europe to the Netherlands, and eventually to North America." While it likely dates back to china no one is positive about this.