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Q: The part of a flower that makes pollen called?
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What part of the flower that make pollen?

The part of the flower that produces pollen is called the stamen. The stamen is made of two parts, the filament and the anther. The filament is the little stem that holds up the anther, which is the part that actually makes the pollen.

What is the middle of the flower called?

The middle part of the flower is called the stamen. The stamen reproduces pollen and is the reproductive part of the plant.

The part of a flower pollen sticks to?

That is called the stigma.

What part of a flower is pollen released?

The anther makes the pollen. The anther and the filament make the stamen.

What is the part of the flower that carries the pollen called?

the stamen

What part of the flower produces and delivers pollen?

The male reproductive part of the flower, called the stamen, produces pollen. The anther, located at the tip of the stamen, is where the pollen is produced. Pollen is then delivered to the female reproductive part of the flower, called the pistil, through various mechanisms such as wind, insects, or animals.

What is the flower part called that holds the pollen?

They are called anthers. They carry the pollen.melesters

Tube in a flower that makes seeds?

Pollen tube.

What is the male part of the flower covered in pollen called?

the anther

The part of the flower that receives the pollen grain is called?


What is the part of the flower that makes pollen?

The stigma is the pollen maker to help put flowers outside so we can have honey make by the bees.

What is the male part of the flower called transfer to the female part?

Pollen grain