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Chris is, it didn't say the width of either room only the total length of each room is the same, there is still the unmeasured width of the rectangular room.

The square room is 12 yards long so we know that the perimeter is 48 yard. That is 12 yards times 4 sides equals 48 yards total.

The rectangular room has one side only one yard long, so to have the same perimeter as the square room the rooms other two unmeasured sides would need to be 23 yards long. That is two walls are 1 yard each and two walls are 23 yard each, so 1 plus 1 plus 23 plus 23 equals 48 yards total.

The sentence is misleading in that it said "the rectangle room is a yard long", giving rise to the thought that the Longest side of the rectangle was one yard.

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Q: The square room is 12 yards long and the rectangle room is a yard long but the rooms perimeter is the same Jack said the square room you need more room but Chris said that's wrong Who is right?
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