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Howard Temin

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Q: This scientist found that some viruses have an rna-dependent DNA polymerase tha was later named reverse transcriptase. he was one of the three who shared in the 1975 nobel prize in physiology or medic?
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What scientist found that some viruses have an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase that was later named reverse transcriptase?

Howard Temin

What scientist developed the technique of polymerase chain reaction?

Kary Mullis

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A scientists that studies the growth, physiology and breedings of crops.

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Chemistry,biology,anthropology,anatomy and physiology

Who discover PCR?

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was developed in 1984 by Kary Mullis.How and why did this scientist got into the field of genetics

What does polymerase chain reaction enable scientist to make?

Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction, scientists can amplify even the smallest amount of DNA, by constant cycles of separation and replication.

What does polymerase chain reaction enable scientist to do?

By pcr within a less time we can get a multiple number of copies of desired dna

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It depends on the specific occupational title within physiology. I could relate to a medical doctor, or a scientist within the biological sciences, etc. It is a broad field from which many specialties fall.

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A scientist uses material in her lab to separate dna fragments by size .what process is she using?

PCR or polymerase chain reaction. :: Apex

Did scientist Muller win a noble prize?

Paul Muller won the medicine and physiology Nobel Prize in 1948 for discovering the insecticidal use of DDT.