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Q: Name one disease caused by bacteria?
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What is the name of one disease caused by a bacterium?

Tuberculosis is caused by a bacterium, known as the tuberculosis bacillus.

Which disease is caused by a microbe?

There are many. One common one is strep throat, caused by the streptococcus bacteria (which is a microbe).

What disease is caused by bacteria is found in food?

There is no one disease since there are a multitude of pathogenic bacteria that can be transmitted by food. See Related Links.

Plant disease csused by microorganisms?

Most plant diseases are caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. one disease caused by microorganisms is the black spot of rose.

Is tuberculosis a virus?

Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease caused mainly by mycobacterium in humans. This disease usually attacks lungs.

What is difference between viral disease and bacterial disease?

One is caused by bacteria and the other is caused by viruses. Only bacterial diseases can be successfully treated with antibiotics. Bacteria are alive, viruses are not. Viruses invade bacteria and take over their properties, including the ability to infect.

Is asthma an infectious disease caused by a bacteria that causes inflammation and calcification in the lungs?

Asthma is not infectious disease. It does not spread from one person to other person.

Where was scarlet fever originated?

Scarlet fever is caused by a bacteria little different from that which causes Strep throat. The bacteria, and the disease, is ancient and no one knows where it began.

What is a disease that has a second letter O?

Gonorrhea is one, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy is another. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacteria, whilst BSE is a neurological diseased, thought to be caused by Prions.

What illness does bacilli bacteria cause?

Anthrax is the main diseas caused by this bacteria...

What diseases are caused by bacteria?

Meningococcemia, it is the presence of meningococcus in the bloodstream. Meningococcus, a bacteria formally called Neisseria meningitidis, can be one of the most dramatic and rapidly fatal of all infectious diseases.An example of a disease caused by bacteria is bacterial pneumonia. It is caught by breathing it in, from the air. It is found as a string of spherical cocci, called streptococci.Lyme DiseaseBacterial VaginosisChlamydiaFood poisoningBlood poisoning or sepsisStrep throatTyphusCellulitisOsteomyelitisSyphilisGonorrheaAbscessesTooth decayEar infectionsAn example of a disease caused by bacteria is pneumonia. It is caught by breathing it in, from the air. It is found as a string of spherical cocci, called streptococci. Another example of disease caused by bacteria is Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are called mycobacterium tuberculosis. People with TB or tuberculosis cough excessively and suffer a terrible pain in the chest.Bubonic Plague: Bubonic plague is another life-threatening disease caused by bacteria. The bacteria that cause the plague are the yersinia pestis variety. The different kinds of bubonic plague include the common form that spreads through certain rats and fleas.Pertussis: Pertussis is also referred to as 'whooping cough'. The bacteria that spread this disease are referred to as bordetella pertussis. The disease takes a toll on the immune system of younger people within 6 weeks.Cholera: The term indicates 'flow of bile', in Greek. It is an intestinal infection caused by the vibrio cholerae bacteria that contaminates food stuff and water. Cholera is a diarrheal disease that is spread via consumption of undercooked food, deficiency of hydrochloric acid and poor hygiene.its gonna be a too long list if we have to name each disease, so here is the common disease caused by bacteria1) Tetanus==by bacterium Colstirdium tetani2) Typorid fever==bacterium salmonella3) Cholera==caused by vibrio cholerae4) Plague caused by Yesenia pests5) Syphilis== bacterium Treponema pallida6) Gonorrhea triggered by Neisseria7) Tuberculosis==Koch bacteria8)Legionnaire's disease by Legionella9) Pneumonia==bacteria10)Anthrax==bacteria

What are four diseases caused by spirilla bacteria?

Rat Bite Fever is one caused by spirilla bacteria