

Best Answer

5000 BC Earliest evidence of settled human habitation in the Nile delta 3800 BC The beginnings of Nile culture 3100-2650 BC Archaic Period 3100 BC Earliest evidence of hieroglyphic writingin Egypt 3100 BC The legendary king, Menes, unites the two kingdoms of Egypt 3000 BC Earliest evidence of sun-worship in Egypt 2700-1640 BCPyramid-building period; largest pyramids built for Cheops, Chephren, and Mycerinus 2550-2490 BC Building of the pyramid tombs for Khufu (Cheops) and Khephren (Chephren), the largest of the Egyptian pyramids 2650-2134 BC Old Kingdom; beginning of the Third Dynasty ~2630 BC Netcherike-Djoser, pharoah who built the the "Step" pyramid 2134-2040 BC Collapse of the Sixth Dynasty and the Old Kingdom; beginning of the First Intermediate Period 2040-1640 BC Middle Kingdom 1700 BC Earliest evidence of diagnostic medicine in Egypt 1640-1550 BC Collapse of the Middle Kingdom (1640 BC; beginning of the Second Intermediate Period 1550-1070 BC New Kingdom; temple-building period in Egypt; the Temple of Karnak built and added to all through the New Kingdom period ~1500 BC Earliest examples of the Book of the Dead 1380 BCBuilding of the Temple of Luxor by Amenhotep III 1367-1350 BC Reign of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton), who abandoned Egyptian polytheism for a monotheistic religion 1347-1339 BC Reign of Tutankhamon 1182-1151 BC Reign of Ramses III; supposed period of Hebrew migration out of Egypt to Palestine 1070-712 BC Collapse of New Kingdom (1070 BC; Third Intermediate Period 750 BC Conquest of Egypt by Kush under Kashta and then Piankhy 712-332 BC Late period ~670 BC Formation of a new Kushite kingdom at Meroë 332 BC Invasion of Egypt by Alexander the great 332 BC-395 AD Hellenistic-Roman Period 332-31 BC Ptolemaic Egypt 285-246 BC Reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who commissioned the Greek translation of the Hebrew Torah, the Septuagint ~170 BC Aristobolus, the first Jewish Greek philosopher, presents an explanation of Mosaic scripture to Ptolemy VI Philometor 51-30 BC Reign of Cleopatra VII, last of the Ptolemaic monarchs of Egypt 31 BCBattle of Actium; Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony defeated by Augustus Caesar 30 BC-395 AD Conquest of Egypt by Augustus Caesar; Roman period 66 AD Jewish riots against Rome in Egypt 395 AD Roman Empire divided into two empires; Egypt controlled by Byzantium 395-641 AD Byzantine period; Egyptian hieroglyphic writing falls out of use and soon becomes unintelligible 641 AD Conquest of Egypt by the Muslim Arabs; Egypt becomes Islamic 1822 AD Jean François Champollion deciphers the system of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing from the Rosetta Stone

5000 BC Earliest evidence of settled human habitation in the Nile delta 3800 BC The beginnings of Nile culture 3100-2650 BC Archaic Period 3100 BC Earliest evidence of hieroglyphic writingin Egypt 3100 BC The legendary king, Menes, unites the two kingdoms of Egypt 3000 BC Earliest evidence of sun-worship in Egypt 2700-1640 BCPyramid-building period; largest pyramids built for Cheops, Chephren, and Mycerinus 2550-2490 BC Building of the pyramid tombs for Khufu (Cheops) and Khephren (Chephren), the largest of the Egyptian pyramids 2650-2134 BC Old Kingdom; beginning of the Third Dynasty ~2630 BC Netcherike-Djoser, pharoah who built the the "Step" pyramid 2134-2040 BC Collapse of the Sixth Dynasty and the Old Kingdom; beginning of the First Intermediate Period 2040-1640 BC Middle Kingdom 1700 BC Earliest evidence of diagnostic medicine in Egypt 1640-1550 BC Collapse of the Middle Kingdom (1640 BC; beginning of the Second Intermediate Period 1550-1070 BC New Kingdom; temple-building period in Egypt; the Temple of Karnak built and added to all through the New Kingdom period ~1500 BC Earliest examples of the Book of the Dead 1380 BCBuilding of the Temple of Luxor by Amenhotep III 1367-1350 BC Reign of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton), who abandoned Egyptian polytheism for a monotheistic religion 1347-1339 BC Reign of Tutankhamon 1182-1151 BC Reign of Ramses III; supposed period of Hebrew migration out of Egypt to Palestine 1070-712 BC Collapse of New Kingdom (1070 BC; Third Intermediate Period 750 BC Conquest of Egypt by Kush under Kashta and then Piankhy 712-332 BC Late period ~670 BC Formation of a new Kushite kingdom at Meroë 332 BC Invasion of Egypt by Alexander the Great 332 BC-395 AD Hellenistic-Roman Period 332-31 BC Ptolemaic Egypt 285-246 BC Reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who commissioned the Greek translation of the Hebrew Torah, the Septuagint ~170 BC Aristobolus, the first Jewish Greek philosopher, presents an explanation of Mosaic scripture to Ptolemy VI Philometor 51-30 BC Reign of Cleopatra VII, last of the Ptolemaic monarchs of Egypt 31 BCBattle of Actium; Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony defeated by Augustus Caesar 30 BC-395 AD Conquest of Egypt by Augustus Caesar; Roman period 66 AD Jewish riots against Rome in Egypt 395 AD Roman Empire divided into two empires; Egypt controlled by Byzantium 395-641 AD Byzantine period; Egyptian hieroglyphic writing falls out of use and soon becomes unintelligible 641 AD Conquest of Egypt by the Muslim Arabs; Egypt becomes Islamic 1822 AD Jean François Champollion deciphers the system of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing from the Rosetta Stone

5000 BC Earliest evidence of settled human habitation in the Nile delta 3800 BC The beginnings of Nile culture 3100-2650 BC Archaic Period 3100 BC Earliest evidence of hieroglyphic writingin Egypt 3100 BC The legendary king, Menes, unites the two kingdoms of Egypt 3000 BC Earliest evidence of sun-worship in Egypt 2700-1640 BCPyramid-building period; largest pyramids built for Cheops, Chephren, and Mycerinus 2550-2490 BC Building of the pyramid tombs for Khufu (Cheops) and Khephren (Chephren), the largest of the Egyptian pyramids 2650-2134 BC Old Kingdom; beginning of the Third Dynasty ~2630 BC Netcherike-Djoser, pharoah who built the the "Step" pyramid 2134-2040 BC Collapse of the Sixth Dynasty and the Old Kingdom; beginning of the First Intermediate Period 2040-1640 BC Middle Kingdom 1700 BC Earliest evidence of diagnostic medicine in Egypt 1640-1550 BC Collapse of the Middle Kingdom (1640 BC; beginning of the Second Intermediate Period 1550-1070 BC New Kingdom; temple-building period in Egypt; the Temple of Karnak built and added to all through the New Kingdom period ~1500 BC Earliest examples of the Book of the Dead 1380 BCBuilding of the Temple of Luxor by Amenhotep III 1367-1350 BC Reign of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton), who abandoned Egyptian polytheism for a monotheistic religion 1347-1339 BC Reign of Tutankhamon 1182-1151 BC Reign of Ramses III; supposed period of Hebrew migration out of Egypt to Palestine 1070-712 BC Collapse of New Kingdom (1070 BC; Third Intermediate Period 750 BC Conquest of Egypt by Kush under Kashta and then Piankhy 712-332 BC Late period ~670 BC Formation of a new Kushite kingdom at Meroë 332 BC Invasion of Egypt by Alexander the Great 332 BC-395 AD Hellenistic-Roman Period 332-31 BC Ptolemaic Egypt 285-246 BC Reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who commissioned the Greek translation of the Hebrew Torah, the Septuagint ~170 BC Aristobolus, the first Jewish Greek philosopher, presents an explanation of Mosaic scripture to Ptolemy VI Philometor 51-30 BC Reign of Cleopatra VII, last of the Ptolemaic monarchs of Egypt 31 BCBattle of Actium; Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony defeated by Augustus Caesar 30 BC-395 AD Conquest of Egypt by Augustus Caesar; Roman period 66 AD Jewish riots against Rome in Egypt 395 AD Roman Empire divided into two empires; Egypt controlled by Byzantium 395-641 AD Byzantine period; Egyptian hieroglyphic writing falls out of use and soon becomes unintelligible 641 AD Conquest of Egypt by the Muslim Arabs; Egypt becomes Islamic 1822 AD Jean François Champollion deciphers the system of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing from the Rosetta Stone

5000 BC Earliest evidence of settled human habitation in the Nile delta 3800 BC The beginnings of Nile culture 3100-2650 BC Archaic Period 3100 BC Earliest evidence of hieroglyphic writingin Egypt 3100 BC The legendary king, Menes, unites the two kingdoms of Egypt 3000 BC Earliest evidence of sun-worship in Egypt 2700-1640 BCPyramid-building period; largest pyramids built for Cheops, Chephren, and Mycerinus 2550-2490 BC Building of the pyramid tombs for Khufu (Cheops) and Khephren (Chephren), the largest of the Egyptian pyramids 2650-2134 BC Old Kingdom; beginning of the Third Dynasty ~2630 BC Netcherike-Djoser, pharoah who built the the "Step" pyramid 2134-2040 BC Collapse of the Sixth Dynasty and the Old Kingdom; beginning of the First Intermediate Period 2040-1640 BC Middle Kingdom 1700 BC Earliest evidence of diagnostic medicine in Egypt 1640-1550 BC Collapse of the Middle Kingdom (1640 BC; beginning of the Second Intermediate Period 1550-1070 BC New Kingdom; temple-building period in Egypt; the Temple of Karnak built and added to all through the New Kingdom period ~1500 BC Earliest examples of the Book of the Dead 1380 BCBuilding of the Temple of Luxor by Amenhotep III 1367-1350 BC Reign of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton), who abandoned Egyptian polytheism for a monotheistic religion 1347-1339 BC Reign of Tutankhamon 1182-1151 BC Reign of Ramses III; supposed period of Hebrew migration out of Egypt to Palestine 1070-712 BC Collapse of New Kingdom (1070 BC; Third Intermediate Period 750 BC Conquest of Egypt by Kush under Kashta and then Piankhy 712-332 BC Late period ~670 BC Formation of a new Kushite kingdom at Meroë 332 BC Invasion of Egypt by Alexander the Great 332 BC-395 AD Hellenistic-Roman Period 332-31 BC Ptolemaic Egypt 285-246 BC Reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who commissioned the Greek translation of the Hebrew Torah, the Septuagint ~170 BC Aristobolus, the first Jewish Greek philosopher, presents an explanation of Mosaic scripture to Ptolemy VI Philometor 51-30 BC Reign of Cleopatra VII, last of the Ptolemaic monarchs of Egypt 31 BCBattle of Actium; Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony defeated by Augustus Caesar 30 BC-395 AD Conquest of Egypt by Augustus Caesar; Roman period 66 AD Jewish riots against Rome in Egypt 395 AD Roman Empire divided into two empires; Egypt controlled by Byzantium 395-641 AD Byzantine period; Egyptian hieroglyphic writing falls out of use and soon becomes unintelligible 641 AD Conquest of Egypt by the Muslim Arabs; Egypt becomes Islamic 1822 AD Jean François Champollion deciphers the system of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing from the Rosetta Stone

5000 BC Earliest evidence of settled human habitation in the Nile delta 3800 BC The beginnings of Nile culture 3100-2650 BC Archaic Period 3100 BC Earliest evidence of hieroglyphic writingin Egypt 3100 BC The legendary king, Menes, unites the two kingdoms of Egypt 3000 BC Earliest evidence of sun-worship in Egypt 2700-1640 BCPyramid-building period; largest pyramids built for Cheops, Chephren, and Mycerinus 2550-2490 BC Building of the pyramid tombs for Khufu (Cheops) and Khephren (Chephren), the largest of the Egyptian pyramids 2650-2134 BC Old Kingdom; beginning of the Third Dynasty ~2630 BC Netcherike-Djoser, pharoah who built the the "Step" pyramid 2134-2040 BC Collapse of the Sixth Dynasty and the Old Kingdom; beginning of the First Intermediate Period 2040-1640 BC Middle Kingdom 1700 BC Earliest evidence of diagnostic medicine in Egypt 1640-1550 BC Collapse of the Middle Kingdom (1640 BC; beginning of the Second Intermediate Period 1550-1070 BC New Kingdom; temple-building period in Egypt; the Temple of Karnak built and added to all through the New Kingdom period ~1500 BC Earliest examples of the Book of the Dead 1380 BCBuilding of the Temple of Luxor by Amenhotep III 1367-1350 BC Reign of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton), who abandoned Egyptian polytheism for a monotheistic religion 1347-1339 BC Reign of Tutankhamon 1182-1151 BC Reign of Ramses III; supposed period of Hebrew migration out of Egypt to Palestine 1070-712 BC Collapse of New Kingdom (1070 BC; Third Intermediate Period 750 BC Conquest of Egypt by Kush under Kashta and then Piankhy 712-332 BC Late period ~670 BC Formation of a new Kushite kingdom at Meroë 332 BC Invasion of Egypt by Alexander the Great 332 BC-395 AD Hellenistic-Roman Period 332-31 BC Ptolemaic Egypt 285-246 BC Reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who commissioned the Greek translation of the Hebrew Torah, the Septuagint ~170 BC Aristobolus, the first Jewish Greek philosopher, presents an explanation of Mosaic scripture to Ptolemy VI Philometor 51-30 BC Reign of Cleopatra VII, last of the Ptolemaic monarchs of Egypt 31 BCBattle of Actium; Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony defeated by Augustus Caesar 30 BC-395 AD Conquest of Egypt by Augustus Caesar; Roman period 66 AD Jewish riots against Rome in Egypt 395 AD Roman Empire divided into two empires; Egypt controlled by Byzantium 395-641 AD Byzantine period; Egyptian hieroglyphic writing falls out of use and soon becomes unintelligible 641 AD Conquest of Egypt by the Muslim Arabs; Egypt becomes Islamic 1822 AD Jean François Champollion deciphers the system of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing from the Rosetta Stone

5000 BC Earliest evidence of settled human habitation in the Nile delta 3800 BC The beginnings of Nile culture 3100-2650 BC Archaic Period 3100 BC Earliest evidence of hieroglyphic writingin Egypt 3100 BC The legendary king, Menes, unites the two kingdoms of Egypt 3000 BC Earliest evidence of sun-worship in Egypt 2700-1640 BCPyramid-building period; largest pyramids built for Cheops, Chephren, and Mycerinus 2550-2490 BC Building of the pyramid tombs for Khufu (Cheops) and Khephren (Chephren), the largest of the Egyptian pyramids 2650-2134 BC Old Kingdom; beginning of the Third Dynasty ~2630 BC Netcherike-Djoser, pharoah who built the the "Step" pyramid 2134-2040 BC Collapse of the Sixth Dynasty and the Old Kingdom; beginning of the First Intermediate Period 2040-1640 BC Middle Kingdom 1700 BC Earliest evidence of diagnostic medicine in Egypt 1640-1550 BC Collapse of the Middle Kingdom (1640 BC; beginning of the Second Intermediate Period 1550-1070 BC New Kingdom; temple-building period in Egypt; the Temple of Karnak built and added to all through the New Kingdom period ~1500 BC Earliest examples of the Book of the Dead 1380 BCBuilding of the Temple of Luxor by Amenhotep III 1367-1350 BC Reign of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton), who abandoned Egyptian polytheism for a monotheistic religion 1347-1339 BC Reign of Tutankhamon 1182-1151 BC Reign of Ramses III; supposed period of Hebrew migration out of Egypt to Palestine 1070-712 BC Collapse of New Kingdom (1070 BC; Third Intermediate Period 750 BC Conquest of Egypt by Kush under Kashta and then Piankhy 712-332 BC Late period ~670 BC Formation of a new Kushite kingdom at Meroë 332 BC Invasion of Egypt by Alexander the Great 332 BC-395 AD Hellenistic-Roman Period 332-31 BC Ptolemaic Egypt 285-246 BC Reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who commissioned the Greek translation of the Hebrew Torah, the Septuagint ~170 BC Aristobolus, the first Jewish Greek philosopher, presents an explanation of Mosaic scripture to Ptolemy VI Philometor 51-30 BC Reign of Cleopatra VII, last of the Ptolemaic monarchs of Egypt 31 BCBattle of Actium; Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony defeated by Augustus Caesar 30 BC-395 AD Conquest of Egypt by Augustus Caesar; Roman period 66 AD Jewish riots against Rome in Egypt 395 AD Roman Empire divided into two empires; Egypt controlled by Byzantium 395-641 AD Byzantine period; Egyptian hieroglyphic writing falls out of use and soon becomes unintelligible 641 AD Conquest of Egypt by the Muslim Arabs; Egypt becomes Islamic 1822 AD Jean François Champollion deciphers the system of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing from the Rosetta Stone

5000 BC Earliest evidence of settled human habitation in the Nile delta 3800 BC The beginnings of Nile culture 3100-2650 BC Archaic Period 3100 BC Earliest evidence of hieroglyphic writingin Egypt 3100 BC The legendary king, Menes, unites the two kingdoms of Egypt 3000 BC Earliest evidence of sun-worship in Egypt 2700-1640 BCPyramid-building period; largest pyramids built for Cheops, Chephren, and Mycerinus 2550-2490 BC Building of the pyramid tombs for Khufu (Cheops) and Khephren (Chephren), the largest of the Egyptian pyramids 2650-2134 BC Old Kingdom; beginning of the Third Dynasty ~2630 BC Netcherike-Djoser, pharoah who built the the "Step" pyramid 2134-2040 BC Collapse of the Sixth Dynasty and the Old Kingdom; beginning of the First Intermediate Period 2040-1640 BC Middle Kingdom 1700 BC Earliest evidence of diagnostic medicine in Egypt 1640-1550 BC Collapse of the Middle Kingdom (1640 BC; beginning of the Second Intermediate Period 1550-1070 BC New Kingdom; temple-building period in Egypt; the Temple of Karnak built and added to all through the New Kingdom period ~1500 BC Earliest examples of the Book of the Dead 1380 BCBuilding of the Temple of Luxor by Amenhotep III 1367-1350 BC Reign of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton), who abandoned Egyptian polytheism for a monotheistic religion 1347-1339 BC Reign of Tutankhamon 1182-1151 BC Reign of Ramses III; supposed period of Hebrew migration out of Egypt to Palestine 1070-712 BC Collapse of New Kingdom (1070 BC; Third Intermediate Period 750 BC Conquest of Egypt by Kush under Kashta and then Piankhy 712-332 BC Late period ~670 BC Formation of a new Kushite kingdom at Meroë 332 BC Invasion of Egypt by Alexander the Great 332 BC-395 AD Hellenistic-Roman Period 332-31 BC Ptolemaic Egypt 285-246 BC Reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who commissioned the Greek translation of the Hebrew Torah, the Septuagint ~170 BC Aristobolus, the first Jewish Greek philosopher, presents an explanation of Mosaic scripture to Ptolemy VI Philometor 51-30 BC Reign of Cleopatra VII, last of the Ptolemaic monarchs of Egypt 31 BCBattle of Actium; Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony defeated by Augustus Caesar 30 BC-395 AD Conquest of Egypt by Augustus Caesar; Roman period 66 AD Jewish riots against Rome in Egypt 395 AD Roman Empire divided into two empires; Egypt controlled by Byzantium 395-641 AD Byzantine period; Egyptian hieroglyphic writing falls out of use and soon becomes unintelligible 641 AD Conquest of Egypt by the Muslim Arabs; Egypt becomes Islamic 1822 AD Jean François Champollion deciphers the system of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing from the Rosetta Stone

5000 BC Earliest evidence of settled human habitation in the Nile delta 3800 BC The beginnings of Nile culture 3100-2650 BC Archaic Period 3100 BC Earliest evidence of hieroglyphic writingin Egypt 3100 BC The legendary king, Menes, unites the two kingdoms of Egypt 3000 BC Earliest evidence of sun-worship in Egypt 2700-1640 BCPyramid-building period; largest pyramids built for Cheops, Chephren, and Mycerinus 2550-2490 BC Building of the pyramid tombs for Khufu (Cheops) and Khephren (Chephren), the largest of the Egyptian pyramids 2650-2134 BC Old Kingdom; beginning of the Third Dynasty ~2630 BC Netcherike-Djoser, pharoah who built the the "Step" pyramid 2134-2040 BC Collapse of the Sixth Dynasty and the Old Kingdom; beginning of the First Intermediate Period 2040-1640 BC Middle Kingdom 1700 BC Earliest evidence of diagnostic medicine in Egypt 1640-1550 BC Collapse of the Middle Kingdom (1640 BC; beginning of the Second Intermediate Period 1550-1070 BC New Kingdom; temple-building period in Egypt; the Temple of Karnak built and added to all through the New Kingdom period ~1500 BC Earliest examples of the Book of the Dead 1380 BCBuilding of the Temple of Luxor by Amenhotep III 1367-1350 BC Reign of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton), who abandoned Egyptian polytheism for a monotheistic religion 1347-1339 BC Reign of Tutankhamon 1182-1151 BC Reign of Ramses III; supposed period of Hebrew migration out of Egypt to Palestine 1070-712 BC Collapse of New Kingdom (1070 BC; Third Intermediate Period 750 BC Conquest of Egypt by Kush under Kashta and then Piankhy 712-332 BC Late period ~670 BC Formation of a new Kushite kingdom at Meroë 332 BC Invasion of Egypt by Alexander the Great 332 BC-395 AD Hellenistic-Roman Period 332-31 BC Ptolemaic Egypt 285-246 BC Reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who commissioned the Greek translation of the Hebrew Torah, the Septuagint ~170 BC Aristobolus, the first Jewish Greek philosopher, presents an explanation of Mosaic scripture to Ptolemy VI Philometor 51-30 BC Reign of Cleopatra VII, last of the Ptolemaic monarchs of Egypt 31 BCBattle of Actium; Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony defeated by Augustus Caesar 30 BC-395 AD Conquest of Egypt by Augustus Caesar; Roman period 66 AD Jewish riots against Rome in Egypt 395 AD Roman Empire divided into two empires; Egypt controlled by Byzantium 395-641 AD Byzantine period; Egyptian hieroglyphic writing falls out of use and soon becomes unintelligible 641 AD Conquest of Egypt by the Muslim Arabs; Egypt becomes Islamic 1822 AD Jean François Champollion deciphers the system of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing from the Rosetta Stone

5000 BC Earliest evidence of settled human habitation in the Nile delta 3800 BC The beginnings of Nile culture 3100-2650 BC Archaic Period 3100 BC Earliest evidence of hieroglyphic writingin Egypt 3100 BC The legendary king, Menes, unites the two kingdoms of Egypt 3000 BC Earliest evidence of sun-worship in Egypt 2700-1640 BCPyramid-building period; largest pyramids built for Cheops, Chephren, and Mycerinus 2550-2490 BC Building of the pyramid tombs for Khufu (Cheops) and Khephren (Chephren), the largest of the Egyptian pyramids 2650-2134 BC Old Kingdom; beginning of the Third Dynasty ~2630 BC Netcherike-Djoser, pharoah who built the the "Step" pyramid 2134-2040 BC Collapse of the Sixth Dynasty and the Old Kingdom; beginning of the First Intermediate Period 2040-1640 BC Middle Kingdom 1700 BC Earliest evidence of diagnostic medicine in Egypt 1640-1550 BC Collapse of the Middle Kingdom (1640 BC; beginning of the Second Intermediate Period 1550-1070 BC New Kingdom; temple-building period in Egypt; the Temple of Karnak built and added to all through the New Kingdom period ~1500 BC Earliest examples of the Book of the Dead 1380 BCBuilding of the Temple of Luxor by Amenhotep III 1367-1350 BC Reign of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton), who abandoned Egyptian polytheism for a monotheistic religion 1347-1339 BC Reign of Tutankhamon 1182-1151 BC Reign of Ramses III; supposed period of Hebrew migration out of Egypt to Palestine 1070-712 BC Collapse of New Kingdom (1070 BC; Third Intermediate Period 750 BC Conquest of Egypt by Kush under Kashta and then Piankhy 712-332 BC Late period ~670 BC Formation of a new Kushite kingdom at Meroë 332 BC Invasion of Egypt by Alexander the Great 332 BC-395 AD Hellenistic-Roman Period 332-31 BC Ptolemaic Egypt 285-246 BC Reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who commissioned the Greek translation of the Hebrew Torah, the Septuagint ~170 BC Aristobolus, the first Jewish Greek philosopher, presents an explanation of Mosaic scripture to Ptolemy VI Philometor 51-30 BC Reign of Cleopatra VII, last of the Ptolemaic monarchs of Egypt 31 BCBattle of Actium; Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony defeated by Augustus Caesar 30 BC-395 AD Conquest of Egypt by Augustus Caesar; Roman period 66 AD Jewish riots against Rome in Egypt 395 AD Roman Empire divided into two empires; Egypt controlled by Byzantium 395-641 AD Byzantine period; Egyptian hieroglyphic writing falls out of use and soon becomes unintelligible 641 AD Conquest of Egypt by the Muslim Arabs; Egypt becomes Islamic 1822 AD Jean François Champollion deciphers the system of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing from the Rosetta Stone

5000 BC Earliest evidence of settled human habitation in the Nile delta 3800 BC The beginnings of Nile culture 3100-2650 BC Archaic Period 3100 BC Earliest evidence of hieroglyphic writingin Egypt 3100 BC The legendary king, Menes, unites the two kingdoms of Egypt 3000 BC Earliest evidence of sun-worship in Egypt 2700-1640 BCPyramid-building period; largest pyramids built for Cheops, Chephren, and Mycerinus 2550-2490 BC Building of the pyramid tombs for Khufu (Cheops) and Khephren (Chephren), the largest of the Egyptian pyramids 2650-2134 BC Old Kingdom; beginning of the Third Dynasty ~2630 BC Netcherike-Djoser, pharoah who built the the "Step" pyramid 2134-2040 BC Collapse of the Sixth Dynasty and the Old Kingdom; beginning of the First Intermediate Period 2040-1640 BC Middle Kingdom 1700 BC Earliest evidence of diagnostic medicine in Egypt 1640-1550 BC Collapse of the Middle Kingdom (1640 BC; beginning of the Second Intermediate Period 1550-1070 BC New Kingdom; temple-building period in Egypt; the Temple of Karnak built and added to all through the New Kingdom period ~1500 BC Earliest examples of the Book of the Dead 1380 BCBuilding of the Temple of Luxor by Amenhotep III 1367-1350 BC Reign of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton), who abandoned Egyptian polytheism for a monotheistic religion 1347-1339 BC Reign of Tutankhamon 1182-1151 BC Reign of Ramses III; supposed period of Hebrew migration out of Egypt to Palestine 1070-712 BC Collapse of New Kingdom (1070 BC; Third Intermediate Period 750 BC Conquest of Egypt by Kush under Kashta and then Piankhy 712-332 BC Late period ~670 BC Formation of a new Kushite kingdom at Meroë 332 BC Invasion of Egypt by Alexander the Great 332 BC-395 AD Hellenistic-Roman Period 332-31 BC Ptolemaic Egypt 285-246 BC Reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who commissioned the Greek translation of the Hebrew Torah, the Septuagint ~170 BC Aristobolus, the first Jewish Greek philosopher, presents an explanation of Mosaic scripture to Ptolemy VI Philometor 51-30 BC Reign of Cleopatra VII, last of the Ptolemaic monarchs of Egypt 31 BCBattle of Actium; Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony defeated by Augustus Caesar 30 BC-395 AD Conquest of Egypt by Augustus Caesar; Roman period 66 AD Jewish riots against Rome in Egypt 395 AD Roman Empire divided into two empires; Egypt controlled by Byzantium 395-641 AD Byzantine period; Egyptian hieroglyphic writing falls out of use and soon becomes unintelligible 641 AD Conquest of Egypt by the Muslim Arabs; Egypt becomes Islamic 1822 AD Jean François Champollion deciphers the system of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing from the Rosetta Stone

5000 BC Earliest evidence of settled human habitation in the Nile delta 3800 BC The beginnings of Nile culture 3100-2650 BC Archaic Period 3100 BC Earliest evidence of hieroglyphic writingin Egypt 3100 BC The legendary king, Menes, unites the two kingdoms of Egypt 3000 BC Earliest evidence of sun-worship in Egypt 2700-1640 BCPyramid-building period; largest pyramids built for Cheops, Chephren, and Mycerinus 2550-2490 BC Building of the pyramid tombs for Khufu (Cheops) and Khephren (Chephren), the largest of the Egyptian pyramids 2650-2134 BC Old Kingdom; beginning of the Third Dynasty ~2630 BC Netcherike-Djoser, pharoah who built the the "Step" pyramid 2134-2040 BC Collapse of the Sixth Dynasty and the Old Kingdom; beginning of the First Intermediate Period 2040-1640 BC Middle Kingdom 1700 BC Earliest evidence of diagnostic medicine in Egypt 1640-1550 BC Collapse of the Middle Kingdom (1640 BC; beginning of the Second Intermediate Period 1550-1070 BC New Kingdom; temple-building period in Egypt; the Temple of Karnak built and added to all through the New Kingdom period ~1500 BC Earliest examples of the Book of the Dead 1380 BCBuilding of the Temple of Luxor by Amenhotep III 1367-1350 BC Reign of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton), who abandoned Egyptian polytheism for a monotheistic religion 1347-1339 BC Reign of Tutankhamon 1182-1151 BC Reign of Ramses III; supposed period of Hebrew migration out of Egypt to Palestine 1070-712 BC Collapse of New Kingdom (1070 BC; Third Intermediate Period 750 BC Conquest of Egypt by Kush under Kashta and then Piankhy 712-332 BC Late period ~670 BC Formation of a new Kushite kingdom at Meroë 332 BC Invasion of Egypt by Alexander the Great 332 BC-395 AD Hellenistic-Roman Period 332-31 BC Ptolemaic Egypt 285-246 BC Reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who commissioned the Greek translation of the Hebrew Torah, the Septuagint ~170 BC Aristobolus, the first Jewish Greek philosopher, presents an explanation of Mosaic scripture to Ptolemy VI Philometor 51-30 BC Reign of Cleopatra VII, last of the Ptolemaic monarchs of Egypt 31 BCBattle of Actium; Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony defeated by Augustus Caesar 30 BC-395 AD Conquest of Egypt by Augustus Caesar; Roman period 66 AD Jewish riots against Rome in Egypt 395 AD Roman Empire divided into two empires; Egypt controlled by Byzantium 395-641 AD Byzantine period; Egyptian hieroglyphic writing falls out of use and soon becomes unintelligible 641 AD Conquest of Egypt by the Muslim Arabs; Egypt becomes Islamic 1822 AD Jean François Champollion deciphers the system of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing from the Rosetta Stone

5000 BC Earliest evidence of settled human habitation in the Nile delta 3800 BC The beginnings of Nile culture 3100-2650 BC Archaic Period 3100 BC Earliest evidence of hieroglyphic writingin Egypt 3100 BC The legendary king, Menes, unites the two kingdoms of Egypt 3000 BC Earliest evidence of sun-worship in Egypt 2700-1640 BCPyramid-building period; largest pyramids built for Cheops, Chephren, and Mycerinus 2550-2490 BC Building of the pyramid tombs for Khufu (Cheops) and Khephren (Chephren), the largest of the Egyptian pyramids 2650-2134 BC Old Kingdom; beginning of the Third Dynasty ~2630 BC Netcherike-Djoser, pharoah who built the the "Step" pyramid 2134-2040 BC Collapse of the Sixth Dynasty and the Old Kingdom; beginning of the First Intermediate Period 2040-1640 BC Middle Kingdom 1700 BC Earliest evidence of diagnostic medicine in Egypt 1640-1550 BC Collapse of the Middle Kingdom (1640 BC; beginning of the Second Intermediate Period 1550-1070 BC New Kingdom; temple-building period in Egypt; the Temple of Karnak built and added to all through the New Kingdom period ~1500 BC Earliest examples of the Book of the Dead 1380 BCBuilding of the Temple of Luxor by Amenhotep III 1367-1350 BC Reign of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton), who abandoned Egyptian polytheism for a monotheistic religion 1347-1339 BC Reign of Tutankhamon 1182-1151 BC Reign of Ramses III; supposed period of Hebrew migration out of Egypt to Palestine 1070-712 BC Collapse of New Kingdom (1070 BC; Third Intermediate Period 750 BC Conquest of Egypt by Kush under Kashta and then Piankhy 712-332 BC Late period ~670 BC Formation of a new Kushite kingdom at Meroë 332 BC Invasion of Egypt by Alexander the Great 332 BC-395 AD Hellenistic-Roman Period 332-31 BC Ptolemaic Egypt 285-246 BC Reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who commissioned the Greek translation of the Hebrew Torah, the Septuagint ~170 BC Aristobolus, the first Jewish Greek philosopher, presents an explanation of Mosaic scripture to Ptolemy VI Philometor 51-30 BC Reign of Cleopatra VII, last of the Ptolemaic monarchs of Egypt 31 BCBattle of Actium; Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony defeated by Augustus Caesar 30 BC-395 AD Conquest of Egypt by Augustus Caesar; Roman period 66 AD Jewish riots against Rome in Egypt 395 AD Roman Empire divided into two empires; Egypt controlled by Byzantium 395-641 AD Byzantine period; Egyptian hieroglyphic writing falls out of use and soon becomes unintelligible 641 AD Conquest of Egypt by the Muslim Arabs; Egypt becomes Islamic 1822 AD Jean François Champollion deciphers the system of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing from the Rosetta Stone

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4000 BC: Egyptians trace their origins to the Mount Rwenzori range in East Africa

3500 BC: Egyptians invent the sail

3000 BC: Egyptians begin to measure time through a calendar based on the three natural cycles (the solar day, the lunar month and the solar year)

3100 BC: hieroglyphic writing in Egypt

3000 BC: the Egyptians worship the sun

2920 BC: pharaoh Menes/Aha conquers the north and unites most of Egypt, and builds the capital at Hiku-Ptah (Memphis), the site of the cult of Ptah (1st dynasty)

2900 BC: king Djer is buried at Abydos, the seat of the cult of Osiris, lord of the Underworld and husband of Isis, and his "mastaba" becomes considered the grave of Osiris

2890 BC: Hetepsekhemwy founds the second dynasty in Egypt

2800 BC: Egyptians begin mining in the Sinai

2700 BC: Egyptians write on papyrus

2660 BC: pharaoh Kasekhemwy completes the union of north and south Egypt, and builds the first fortress on the Nile, at Buhen

2649 BC: Zanakht founds the 3rd dynasty

2630 BC: Zanakht dies and is succeeded by Djoser

2620 BC: Imhotep, high priest of Ptah at Memphis and founder of Medicine, erects a pyramid made of stone at Saqqara (overlooking Memphis) for pharaoh Djoser ("step pyramid")

2611 BC: Djoser dies

2600 BC: poetry and music

2599 BC: Huni becomes pharaoh and builds the step pyramid of Maidun (completed by his successor Sneferu)

2575 BC: Sneferu founds the 4th dynasty ("old kingdom") and builds in Dahshur the first pyramid with straight sides ("red pyramid")

2551 BC: Sneferu dies and is succeeded by Khufu/Cheops

2550 BC: architect Hemon builds the "great pyramid" at Giza (146m tall) for pharoah Khufu/Cheops

2520 BC: Khephren becomes pharaoh

2515 BC: the Sphinx is built for pharaoh Khephren

2494 BC: Khephren dies

2465 BC: Userkhaf founds the 5th dynasty

2356 BC: Unas becomes pharaoh

2350 BC: religious texts are inscribed in the burial chamber of pharoah Unas/Wenis

2323 BC: Unas is murdered and Teti founds the 6th dynasty

2289 BC: Teti dies and his son Pepi I succeeds him

2255 BC: Pepi I dies and is buried in a pyramid, "Man-nefer-mare", which gives Hiku-Ptah its new name Men-nefer, or Memphis

2134 BC: Egypt splits into two smaller states (Memphis in the north and Thebes in the south)

2100 BC: Egyptian Book of the Dead

2061 BC: Nebhetepre Mentuhotep I becomes pharaoh in Thebes

2040 BC: Nebhetepre Mentuhotep I wins the civil war, reunites Egypt, makes Thebes the capital of all Egypt, establishes the 11th dynasty ("middle kingdom") and builds the mortuary complex of Deir el Bahri

2010 BC: Mentuhotep I dies and is succeeded by Mentuhotep II

2000 BC: the first obelisks are erected at Heliopolis (Cairo), the site of the cult of Ra/Atum

1991 BC: Amenemhet I seizes power (12th dynasty), moves the capital to Ith-Tawy (Lisht), south of Memphis, builds a huge pyramid at Its-Tway and builds the "Wall of the Prince" in the Sinai to protect Egypt from invasions

1975 BC: Amenemhet builds the pyramid of Hawara with its labyrinth

1962 BC: Amenemhet dies and Senusret I succeeds him, expanding the reign to the third cataract and building the fortesses at Semna and Kerma

1900 BC: ceremonies are held in Abydos to honor Osiris ("Osiris' mysteries") that recount the death and resurrection of the god

1844 BC: Amenemhet III becomes pharaoh and builds the "Labyrinth" at Harawa

1800 BC: "The Adventures of Sinuhe"

1797 BC: Amenemhet III dies and his dynasty begins to decline

1640 BC: An Asian population, the Hyksos, Semitic people from Palestine, seizes power in northern Egypt (the Delta), with capital in Avaris, and introduces the horse-driven chariot (15th and 16th dynasties)

1640 BC: the Egyptians still rule on south Egypt, maintaining their capital at Thebes, and Inyotef V founds the 17th dynasty

1550 BC: Ahmose I becomes pharaoh ("new kingdom", 18th dynasty)

1532 BC: Ahmose I of Thebes defeats the Hyksos at Avaris and expels them from Egypt

1530 BC: Work begins on the huge religious complex of Karnak to the god Amon at Luxor (Thebes)

1525 BC: Ahmose I dies and is succeeded by Amenhotep I

1520 BC: Amenhotep I orders the separation of mortuary temples and royal tombs at the necropolis outside Thebes

1504 BC: Amenhotep I dies and is succeeded by his brother-in-law Tuthmosis I, who campaigns all the way to Mesopotamia, makes Thebes the most imposing city of the kingdom and erects the Obelisk at the Karnak temple

1492 BC: Tuthmosis I dies and is the first pharaoh buried in a tomb cut in the rock at the necropolis outside Thebes ("Valley of the Kings")

1500 BC: the high priest of Amon in Thebes becomes more important than the high priest of Ptah in Memphis and the high priest of Ra/Atum in Heliopolis (Cairo)

1479 BC: Tuthmosis III becomes pharaoh and reorganizes the empire according to an efficient military bureaucracy

1458 BC: Tuthmosis III defeats the Mitannis and conquers Syria, the peak of Egyptian power

1450 BC: Egyptians use the sundial

1391 BC: Amenhotep III becomes pharaoh and builds the palace complex at Malkata (near Thebes) and the temple of Amon at Luxor

1353 BC: Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) becomes pharoah, married to Nefertiti, and builds the new capital at Amarna, north of Thebes, dedicated to the god Atum, banishing all other gods

1333 BC: a child, Tutankhamon, becomes pharaoh

1323 BC: Tutankhamon is killed at 19 and is buried in the "Valley of the Kings" at Thebes

1319 BC: general Horemheb becomes pharaoh, destroys Amarna, re-establishes order in Egypt and moves the capital back to Memphis

1307 BC: Horemheb dies and his Amon high priest Ramesses I becomes pharaoh (19th dynasty) and moves the capital to his hometown of Avaris

1306 BC: Ramesses I dies and is succeeded by his son Seti I

1300 BC: Egyptians build a canal connecting the Nile and the Red Sea

1290 BC: Seti I dies, having built the largest tomb in the "Valley of the Kings" and the largest monument at Abydos, and his son Ramesses II succeeds him, married to Nefertari

1275 BC: the Egyptian king Rameses II fights against the Hittite king Muwatalli at the city of Kadesh in Syria

1250 BC: Ramesses II transfers the capital to Pi-Ramesse in the delta, builds two temples at Abu Simbel, the Colossus at Memphis, the Hypostyle Hall of the Karnak temple at Luxor, and a huge tomb at Thebes

1224 BC: Ramesses II dies

1196 BC: Sethnakhte founds the 20th dynasty

1194 BC: Sethnakhte dies and his son Ramesses III becomes pharoah and builds the temple at Medinet Habu (near Thebes)

1069 BC: the high priests of Amon usurp the title of king and split Egypt in two, the north with capital in Tanis (on the Mediterranean Sea) ruled by the 21st dynasty and the south with capital in Thebes ruled by the priests of Amon

926 BC: Palestine is invaded by pharoah Shoshenk

720 BC: the Nubian king Piankh/ Piye of Kush (Sudan) conquers the various kingdomds of Egypt and founds the Nubian dynasty

710 BC: Piankh's successor Shabaka moves the capital from Napata to Thebes

699 BC: Nubian king Tirhakah/Taharqa (son of Piankh) ascends to the throne of Egypt and moves the capital to Memphis

671 BC: the Assyrians defeat Tajarqa and capture the Egyptian capital of Memphis

664 BC: Taharqa withdraws to Napata and builds the Nuri pyramid, the first pyramid in a thousand years

605 BC: Nebuchadnezzar II leads the Babylonians to conquer Carchemish and defeat the Egyptian army

525 BC: Cambyses of Persia conquers Egypt at the battle of Pelusium

404 BC: Amyrtaios of Sais expels the Persians (28th, 29th and 30th dynasties)

343 BC: the Persians conquer Egypt again (31st dynasty)

332 BC: Alexander the Great conquers Egypt

331 BC: Alexander founds Alexandria in Egypt

323 BC: Alexander dies at Babylon and Ptolemy inherits Egypt

312 BC: Ptolemy's general in Syria, Seleucus Nicator, establishes a kingdom ranging from Syria in the west to India in the east and founds the Seleucid dynasty

307 BC: Ptolemy I creates the library of Alexandria (Museum)

300 BC: Ptolemy I builds the Pharos of Alexandria

283 BC: Ptolemy dies

198 BC: the Seleucids under Antiochus III conquer Palestine from the Ptolemaics

196 BC: the Rosetta Stone is carved in both Greek and Egyptian

51 BC: Cleopatra VII Ptolemy becomes queen of Egypt (last of the Greek monarchs)

31 BC: Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony are defeated by Augustus

30 BC: Cleopatra commits suicide and Egypt becomes a province of the Roman empire

145 AD: the astronomer Ptolemy of Alexandria publishes the "Almagest" that summarizes the geocentric theory

250 AD: Diophantus of Alexandria writes the "Arithmetica", a treaty on the solution of algebraic equations and on the theory of numbers

394 AD: the last hieroglyph is inscribed at Philae

395 AD: Egypt is assigned to the eastern Roman empire (Byzantium)

600 AD: Alexandria has 200,000 inhabitants

641 AD: Egypt is conquered by the Arabs and forced to convert to Islam

642 AD: the Arabs destroy the library of Alexandria

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ancient Egypt timeline:

-Early settlers in the Nile Valley (3500 BC)

-Hieroglyphic script developed (3100 BC)

-Narmer unified Upper and Lower Egypt (3100 BC)

-First stone pyramid built (2700 BC)

-Pyramids of Giza built (2600 BC)

-Various kings ruled Egypt (2200 BC)

-Mentuhotep II gained control of entire country (2055 BC)

-Agricultural development of the Faiyum (2000 BC)

-Earliest parts of Temple of Karnak built (2000 BC)

-Egyptians control Nubia (2000 BC)

-Hyksos rulers took control of Delta region (1700 BC)

-Ahmose unified country (1600 BC)

-Hetshepsut became pharaoh (1500 BC)

-Akhenaten changed Egyptian religion, Tutankhamun became pharaoh and traditional religion returned (1400 BC)

-Hypostyle hall built at Temple of Karnak (1300 BC)

-Ramesses II fought in Battle of Kadesh (1274 BC)

-Upper and Lower Egypt split (1100 BC)

-Nubian King Piy conquered Egypt (728 BC)

-Assyrians attacked Egypt (671 BC)

-Persians conquered Egypt (525 BC)

-Alexander the Great conquered Egypt (332 BC)

-Ptolemy I became pharaoh (305 BC)

-Rosetta stone carved (196 BC)

-Battle of Actium (31 BC)

-Cleopatra VII died (30 BC)

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Q: What is a good time line of ancient Egypt and ancient Greece?
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Which lands came under roman control first Macedonia and Greece or Dacia and Mesopotamia?

Macedonia and Greece came under control of the Romans centuries before Dacia and Mesopotamia.Macedonia and Greece came under control of the Romans centuries before Dacia and Mesopotamia.Macedonia and Greece came under control of the Romans centuries before Dacia and Mesopotamia.Macedonia and Greece came under control of the Romans centuries before Dacia and Mesopotamia.Macedonia and Greece came under control of the Romans centuries before Dacia and Mesopotamia.Macedonia and Greece came under control of the Romans centuries before Dacia and Mesopotamia.Macedonia and Greece came under control of the Romans centuries before Dacia and Mesopotamia.Macedonia and Greece came under control of the Romans centuries before Dacia and Mesopotamia.Macedonia and Greece came under control of the Romans centuries before Dacia and Mesopotamia.

When a pharaoh in ancient Egypt died he was succeeded by?

The succession was through the female line, which is why pharaohs married all their female relatives so thee was no question of other claimants appearing.

Which ancient civilization lasted the longest time?

The ancient civilization with the "longest lasting stability" is undoubtedly the Roman/Byzantine Empire. From approximately 31 B.C.E. until 1453 C.E., an unbroken (if sometimes rather blurry) line can be traced wherein a single imperial governing body ruled through the same (if also evolving) legal, military, and moral traditions from start to finish.

When was gravestones first introduced?

. You have provided a difficult question to answer. People have always marked the graves of their loved ones in some way. In Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt stones and monuments have been found that were intended to mark graves thousands of years ago. Since then, various types of grave markers have been used including wooden markers and various types of gravestones. Today, most gravestones are made from marble or granite. We chose these two materials for our line of gravestones because of their resilience against the weather which make them and the inscriptions last longer.

Why does Greece go first in the Olympic opening ceremony?

Because they are the countries that came up with the Original Olympics. Pierre De Coubertin thought it would a be a good way to honor them. That tradition is still alive today, except when Greece host the Olympics, it which that case they enter last.

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What is the time line for ancient Egypt?

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What continent is due north of Egypt?

Due north for most of Egypt is Asia (specifically Anatolia). However, the far west parts of Egypt are in line with Greece which would also make Europe an answer.

Did ancient Greece try to take over ancient Egypt?

Tried and succeeded! Alexander the Great's general Ptolemy established the last line of Pharaoh's all of whom were, obviously, Greek. Many of them did not even speak Egyptian. The last and most famous of these Ptolemaic rulers - a little lady named Cleopatra VII.

Who reign after Cleopatra?

After Cleopatra, Rome ruled Egypt. Cleopatra was the last of the ancient line of rulers and Egypt became part of the Roman empire.

What was a dynasty in ancient Egypt?

A dynasty is a long line of rulers from generation to generation. HOPE I HELPED!:)

Would the pharaoh in ancient Egypt have children?

yes that's how the royal family kept its blood line

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You were able to become pharaoh whenever one of your close relatives died and you were next in line.

Ancient Greece is what type of landform?

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Who invented the plumb line?

It is not known who invented the plumb-line or plumb-bob; there is evidence that it has been in use since biblical times and archaeologists haveÊunearthed what they think are plumb gaugingÊtoolsÊin Ancient Egypt.