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Cures ranged from the ridiculous to the more practical, and also contained some old-wives tale prevention methods:

  • Throw sweet smelling herbs onto the fire to clean the air.
  • Carry pockets of sweet-smelling herbs
  • Plague-proofing homes by putting glazes over southern windows to block the polluted southern wind
  • Sit in a sewer so the bad air of the plague is driven off by the even worse one of the sewer.
  • Drink a medicine of ten year old treacle.
  • Swallow a powder of crushed emeralds.
  • Bloodletting.
  • Place live hen next to the boils to help draw out pestilence from the body.
  • Drink a glass of your own urine to aid recovery
  • No bathing, exercising, or physical intimacy was allowed during that time
  • No sleeping during the daytime
  • Avoid sad thoughts or thoughts of death and disease
  • Victim gets washed with vinegar and rosewater
  • Don't eat meat, figs or fish, but instead eat fruits, vegetables and bread
  • Lance the buboes, and apply a mixture of tree resin, roots of white lilies and dried human excrement should be applied to the places where the body has been cut open.
  • Clean the streets of all human and animal waste; burn all dead bodies and excrement outside the village in a large deep pit
  • Pestilence medicine: Roast the shells of newly laid eggs and ground the roasted shells into a powder. Chop up leaves and petals of marigold flowers. mix egg shells and marigolds into a pot of good ale. Add treacle and warm over a fire. The patient should drink this mixture every morning and night.
  • Use of religion (i.e., praying to God) to end this Black Plague once and for all
  • And other things

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Q: Treatment for Black death
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What treatments were used on the black death in the 1300s?

Black Death occurred in 1346 to 1353. At those times there was no treatment available.

What should you do if you have the symptoms for black death?

Get antibiotic treatment as soon as possible.

How were people teated duing the black death?

there wasn't a treatment. they just died

Is black death chronic or acute?

Chronic because with out treatment you would die. with treatment it would still leave you with permanent damage with acute side effects. lol

Do people with the plague have a chance of surviving with medical treatment?

If referring to the bacterial epidemic causing the "Black Death" in Europe, then yes. In fact, with modern medical treatment and antibiotics, most who contract it recover completely.

What Was another name for bubonic plague?

Another name for the plague is the black death

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the black death

How people died and how many people survived?

During the Middle Ages, the Death Rate for Bubonic Plague (the "Black Death") varied from a low(!) of 70% to past 90%. Today, with early treatment, the death rate is 10% or below. But if treatment is not started until the disease has progressed a ways, the mortality rate is still about 70% in worst-case scenarios.

Who had the black death?

black death spread in Europe. black death killed 75 to 200 million people.

When the black death happened?

the black death started in 1347

Did russia get the black death?

yes, black death was spread in whole Europe. Russia also got black death.

What sickness caused the death of almost one fourth of Europe's population in the 1300s?

The black death killed 1 3rd of Europe's populations in the 1300's.