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Q: True or false Anaphylactic shock is a hypersensitivity reaction that is a result of an inappropriately strong response of the immune system?
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What occurs when the immune system mounts an exaggerated response to a harmless antigen?


What hypersensitivity reaction does not involve an antibody response?

Type IV

When does a hypersensitivity reaction occur?

Hypersensitivity is when a person's immune system over-reacts to an antigen. This usually occurs in the context of allergies, when a person develops a runny nose, itchy watery eye, sneezing and coughing due to pollen or mold in the air. A more serious form of hypersensitivity reaction is anaphylactic shock, when the throat swells shut and a person cannot breathe; this is usually in response to a severe allergic reaction such as to peanut butter, bee stings or other antigens.

What is an idiosyncratic reaction?

This is the hypersensitivity to a drug or other substance without any relation with thr immunological response.

Is the body's immune response to allergens which are antigens that produce a hypersensitivity reaction including immediate inflammation?


What is idiosyncratic reaction?

This is the hypersensitivity to a drug or other substance without any relation with thr immunological response.

What is an exaggerated response to a body invader?


Anaphylactic shock is an example of an?

Allergic Response

What is antigen hypersensitivity?

Hypersensitivity describes associate abnormal or pathologic reaction that's caused by associate immunologic response to perennial exposure to associate matter. Hypersensitivity diseases embrace response diseases, during which immune responses area unit directed against self-antigens, AND diseases that result from uncontrolled or excessive responses to foreign antigens. as a result of these reactions tend to occur against antigens that can't be loose (i.e. self-antigens) and since of regeneration systems intrinsic to numerous aspects of the immunologic response, hypersensitivity diseases tend to manifest as chronic issues.

What is the name of an inappropriate immune response?

Autoimmunity or hypersensitivity.

An acute allergic response can lead to?

anaphylactic shock

Can you take naproxen and allopurinol together without having an anaphylactic reaction?

An anaphylactic reaction has nothing to do with taking medications together. Anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction caused by your body's response to a certain substance. When you eat or take something you are allergic to, you could have this sort of reaction where your mouth and throat swell up and block your breathing. That is what an anaphylactic reaction.There are no known drug interactions between naproxen and allopurinol. Unless you are allergic to one of them, you can safely take them together. Take them with food because they can both be hard on the stomach.