

Two ways people have increased carbon dioxide in the air?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Two ways people have increased carbon dioxide in the air?
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Related questions

What are the two ways in which carbon dioxide is added to the?

Respiration by animals is one of the ways through which carbon dioxide is released to the atmosphere. The other way is through burning fuels that are carbon-based.

How is carbon dioxide taken out of the atmosphere besides photosynthesis?

Some carbon dioxide is absorbed by the top levels of the oceans where it is beginning to turn the oceans more acidic. That and photosynthesis are the only ways that carbon dioxide is taken out of the atmosphere. Industries that emit carbon dioxide pollution are trialling ways of trapping carbon dioxide as it goes up the chimney stacks (scrubbers).

What are two ways in which carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere?

Respiration by animals is one of the ways through which carbon dioxide is released to the atmosphere. The other way is through burning fuels that are carbon-based.

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Rotting trees add carbon dioxide (and sometimes methane) to the atmosphere.Burning trees releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Where are carbon atoms turned in to carbon dioxide?

There are many ways. But it is happening when burning.

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They add oxygen to the and take in Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere

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carbonic acid, carbamino compounds and dissolved gas

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They release carbon dioxide when they burn.The burnt trees are no longer available to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis.

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open soda bottles

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Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide

How do oceans deal with large amounts of carbon dioxide?

There are several ways that the oceans are related to atmospheric carbon dioxide:Carbon dioxide dissolvs into water to make a weakly acid carbonic acid. The acidity of the ocean water has increased with increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levelsOf the plants on the earth, phytoplankton probably accounts for 80% of the earth's oxygen from photosynthesis where CO2 is converted to O2. Some speculate that an increase in carbon dioxide may cause a phytoplankton bloom.Some ocean animals (corals and mollusks) use carbon dioxide as carbonate to form their shells

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