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Q: Using a PIN or password in additon to TPM is an example of what type of authentication?
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What is the difference between using open authentication and pre-shared keys?

Open authentication requires a password. Pre-shared keys do not require a password.

Internet explorer passwords?

Sharepoint sites authenticate using the windows authentication. If one wishes to use a different username and password, one can add the site to trusted sites, set the ''user authentication" to 'logon with current username....". Now while entering username and password, check the box, remember password. IE will remember password from next time.

How can I say java based applications are secure?

All Java Based Apps are secure because Java is one of the most secure programming languages. For Ex: In Web applications, security can be implemented using strong authentication. The different types of Authentication used in Web Applications are:• HTTP Basic Authentication - Authentication based on a username and password. It is the authentication mechanism defined in the HTTP/1.0 specification. A Web server requests a Web client to authenticate the user. The Web client obtains the username and the password from the user and transmits them to the Web server. The Web server then authenticates the user. This is the lowest level security of the four here.• HTTP Digest Authentication - The password is encrypted. Like HTTP Basic Authentication, HTTP Digest Authentication authenticates a user based on a username and a password. However, the authentication is performed by transmitting the password in an encrypted form.• HTTPS Client Authentication - This is end user authentication using HTTPS (HTTP over SSL). This mechanism uses public key encryption, which requires the user to possess a Public Key Certificate (PKC). This is the highest level security of the four here.• Form Based Authentication - This is similar to Basic except that a form is used with predefined fields. These fields must be named j_username and j_password, respectively and the form method and action must be named POST and j_security_check, respectively

What requires port based authentication?

Port-based authentication is a form of "security by obscurity" wherein any device connecting to a system via the selected port is assumed to have authority to access said system. This can be dangerous if the port is randomly guessed, or shared by an someone who has previously been authorized. In this way, port-based authentication is equivalent to using a weak (or even default) password.

Which option is the most secure type of user authentication?

Which of the following would be the most secure way of authenticating? a. Using a 20-character passwordb. Using a smart card and a PINc. Using a password and a PINd. Using two different passwords at once

How can the equation x 2 5 be solved using algebra tiles?

additon property of equality

What does it means SMTP Error Could not authenticate means?

Its just a matter of entering your user name and password. In some cases its something as simple as just checking that checkbox saying to use the same username and password for outgoing mail if you are using outlook or something like that. Check if your outlook has username and password authentication for outgoing messages.

What kind of authentication method is kerberos?

It's a mutual authentication; it verifies both user and sender of the ticket using symmetric keys.

What type of authentication uses cards to gain access to buildings?

Identity based authentication or Role based authentication using magnetic card stripes can be used, or some other difficult to forge encoding, to gain access to buildings.

What is the meaning of current password?

It simply means the password you are using at the moment.

What would be a good password for world of warcraft fo example?

Giving examples would be counter-productive, because any good passwords mentioned here would be the first to be tried out - and therefore the least secure. In general, password security in WoW is helped by: 1) Using at least one capital letter 2) Using at least one number 3) Using a word that is not WoW-related 4) Using an exclamation mark and/or an @ sign As an example (so do not use this as password): "airliner" would not be a strong password, but "@irl1neR!" would be. The chance of anyone guessing the password without using an algorithm (and succeeding before the system would lock them out if it allows for limited attempts) would be very small.

What method gives most accurate result in vector additon experiment?

Using the correct rules is always the best method for getting accurate results.