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In concept, war is not GOOD. War is conducted in modern times for a specific reason such as defeating an evil fascist leader who is committing genocide (such as Hitler, Hussein, etc). It is not necessarily conducted just to end conflicts between countries.

For instance, the US has a conflict with the leaders of North Korea. Have the leaders of the US chosen to go to war with them merely because we have a conflict with them? No.

The Gulf War conducted by the United Nations had a reason that was good and valuable. They chose to come to the aid of Kuwait when the Kuwait people asked the UN for help. They did not have a large army or the means to defeat Hussein's military might. The UN saved their nation and their oil (even though Hussein's men did damage some of the oil wells). The Kuwait people were very glad not to be overrun and oppressed by that "monster".

The best way to end conflicts between people groups is to use a win win tactic or solution. That is why the United Nations was formed. To work things out. If you think they just sit around there making money you are wrong. They actually work out very complex and difficult problems between people groups. Many solutions have been concluded in that place.

Sometimes it is better to ignore a people group as the US and many other nations around the world have with a gangster nation like Somalia. The US has taken the lets wait and see tactic with the North Koreans. What most people do not understand about North Korea and South Korea and the rest of the world is that the Korean war never ended. There was a cease firing but never a surrender or armistice that ended the war. There are still military people at that border. So the war could restart if the UN chose to fight back against any aggression by the North Koreans.

The Cold war stayed cold because neither nation of the Soviet Union and the United States wanted to have total war with one another. They just had a huge value conflict over whether communism or democracy is better. The silly boys had their awful arms race but in the end they finally came to their senses and ended the debate between each other. (Crazy I know.) So war is not the solution to all conflicts between nations.

Sometimes it is better to resolve the problem over the conference table and other times it is better to avoid any contact and other times it is better to "sit on it". But, when you have a "Hitler and the Nazis" you cannot and should not be slow to stop them. Ask any Jew who had been in the concentration camp and they will say

"What took you so long?"

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13y ago
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12y ago

wars are good way to end conflicts. yes,freedom and independence are rights that every person deseves and sadly enough. wars is often means by which to obtain these basic human needs

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8y ago

Wars are the worst way to end conflicts. They cause destruction of infrastructure, highways, buildings and kill lots of people. Countries take years to recover.

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