

Was burkina faso a colony of France before independence?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Was burkina faso a colony of France before independence?
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France never won independence. It never was a colony of any country.

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Vietnam was a French colony. The people went to war with France to gain their independence.

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For decades Haiti was a colony of France. One distinction it has is the French language. They were also the first Black colony to win its independence from France.

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France was never a colony. France came into existence when the empire of Charlemagne was broken up in 843.

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From whom, pray? France is a country that just grew, not somebody's colony which broke free.

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After Germany occupied North France, France lost its colony in Syria and they proclaimed their independence. This was around 1940.

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Yes, before independence, it was Northern Rhodesia.

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The Declaration of Independence was written to declare independence from Great Britain. It stated that America was a new colony.

Who declared independence after the french revolution?

Independence from whom? France had not been somebody else's colony since the Romans left. An independent country does not need a declaration of independence.