

Was it not the sinners who killed Jesus?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Q: Was it not the sinners who killed Jesus?
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Who criticized Jesus' practice of eating with tax collectors and sinners?

The Pharisees criticized Jesus practice of eating with sinners. Jesus told them that a healthy man does not need a doctor but a sick man does which means Jesus is the doctor and he has come to save the sinners.

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Jesus was in this world only to save sinners like you and me.

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We can tell we are not Jesus as we are sinners we die but Jesus and god does not die.

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Jesus loved sinners. In what way do you mean adjoin?

Who made Jesus die?

Jesus was crucified by the Romans, but he died because we are sinners.

Why did the Pharisees criticize Jesus for eating with the tax collectors?

because the tax collectors are sinners..for they are collecting too much of the amount of the peoples tax..that's why they are criticizing him..for they say that if Jesus does mingle with the sinners, therefore he is also a sinners..

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Dying on the cross for sinners.

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Jesus died for all sinners; Christians or humans or otherwise.

Who was Jesus and why did people follow him?

Jesus is the son of God, and came into this world to save sinners, and fulfill the prophecies.

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Jesus is a friend of sinners. See Luke 7:24 and Matthew 11:19.

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Jesus forgives sinners immediately they sincerely ask for forgiveness and are truly repentant.

Why did Jesus come at the time he did?

Because we were sinners and he saved us of our sins